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on 5/24/16 8:30 am
Topic: RE: BMI ?

Hi, I think it depends on the doctor that is doing your surgery. I think around 40 or higher is what I have mostly read. Are you having surgery in Nova Scotia?


on 5/17/16 9:35 am
Topic: RE: Looking for Long-Timers - 2 years + out


I don't think it worked. Can you try again and maybe send me a message on Facebook to let me know who you are.

Thank you,


on 5/4/16 7:02 am, edited 5/4/16 12:03 am - Halifax, Canada
Topic: RE: Looking for advice from anyone who's used Mexico Bariatric Center

I am part of a few bariatric support groups on facebook and somebody posted a really awesome link about how when you are losing a substantial amount of weight your metabolism actually slows down significantly... Which is why it is so easy for us to plateau and to gain back all (and then some) of the weight we lose, because our metabolism never actually recovers and goes back to "normal", it stays slow.  Here's the link in case you are interested in it (it's a pretty good read).  It makes me more confident then ever that having surgery and giving myself this tool to help me lose and maintain is the right decision for me.  The article is HERE.

My experience with the Bariatric Centre has been pretty good.  A $500 booking fee to confirm the date is not unusual when you are privately paying.  It's basically just to hold your spot, and then I believe you have to pay the remainder of the balance within a certain amount of time before the actual surgery date (check with them, every place is different).  I have also heard wonderful things about the surgeons associated with Bariatric Pal.  They seem to have some pretty great deals, and they are very supportive (even post-surgery)... They also have facebook groups you can join.  I haven't had any problems with them being pushy.  I think it's kind of how big sales like this just go.  There's lots of money and people probably often flip-flop (it's a pretty big decision afterall.)


 As I said, I am fighting MSI on the right to have it covered in another province.  If you are interested, once I finally get the statistics from NSHA (I formally requested them, as I need them for my rebuttal letter to MSI), I am more than happy to share them with you. :)  I know you said money isn't an object, but if you can get it done in another province for the cost of a flight, it may be worth looking into!  As long as your physician is saying you should get it done, you pretty much are on the right track (even better if you have had a referral sent to the Obesity Network in Halifax).


Referral Sent: March 2016


on 5/3/16 12:25 pm
Topic: RE: Looking for advice from anyone who's used Mexico Bariatric Center

Thank you Krista.

I'm so very close to making the final decision.
I'm back down to loosing on my own after a month plateau, but i keep seeing posts about how people always gain it back, and yadda yadda, and the only way is surgery.
I get torn both ways.

I'm in contact with a representative regularly, but i'm getting a vibe i don't like that they are being very pushy, keep trying to entice me with quick booking discounts and such, and i get this vibe like, its a scam or something, since i need to pay a $500 deposit on a CC.

Have you had this kind of experience?

on 5/2/16 9:47 am - Halifax, Canada
Topic: RE: Looking for advice from anyone who's used Mexico Bariatric Center

Hey Ashlin, I've heard good things about the Mexico Bariatric Centre. It was my #1 choice when I was looking at surgeons in Tijuana.  I am also in Halifax, NS and if money wasn't an issue for me, I would be heading down to Mexico myself!  I think I recognize your profile picture from another group I am on, so if you want to chat to someone locally, I'm definitely up for that!


I'm currently wading my way through the bureaucratic mess in order to have MSI cover my surgery in another province.  Good luck if/when you decide to go down! :)


Referral Sent: March 2016


(deactivated member)
on 4/8/16 12:56 pm - CA
Topic: RE: Looking for advice from anyone who's used Mexico Bariatric Center

Ashlin, welcome to OH!    Here is a link to the Mexico Surgeon Reviews which do include the surgeons from Mexico Bariatric Center.   There are also reviews on other surgeons, so you might want to review some of those as well. 

Good luck


on 4/8/16 12:06 pm
Topic: Looking for advice from anyone who's used Mexico Bariatric Center

I have made contact with the people at the Mexico Bariatric Center in Tijuana.
I am in desperate need to loose 120 pounds before i can have another surgery I need, within the next two years or so.
I have lost 50 pounds on my own, but still have 120 to go.

Has anyone here used this clinic? and what can you suggest.

I am in Halifax, NS, and Money is NOT an issue.

on 3/15/16 9:39 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Private Facebook Groups?

Im in New Brunswick and Im waiting to meet my surgeon in Bathurst.  Having the sleeve done and hoping to have it done in the Fall at the latest.  I would LOVE to have a support group on FB.  Ive been searching but finding nothng.  Ive thought about making a page for all of us that is waiting, have had it done, etc but not real sure on how to and what i would call it.

on 3/12/16 7:08 am - Moncton, Canada
VSG on 02/14/12
Topic: RE: Looking for Long-Timers - 2 years + out

Hi Kim, 


I added you, please check to make sure it worked, if not, let me know! :)



on 3/9/16 8:05 am
VSG on 06/22/16
Topic: RE: Private Facebook Groups?

Hi, I've been waiting over 10 years. My BMI was high in 61 but its down to in mid 50's. I'm just excited for my first appointment of a year of appointments, but i'm ready and have my support in full force and i'm ready !!

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