OT - Excerpt from the book "Diary of a Mad Fat Girl"

on 4/11/11 3:28 am - Ottawa, Canada

by Stephanie McAfee

Has anyone read this book?  I'm only a few pages in and so far it's really funny.

... why doesn’t this gym have a separate area for fat girls? Girls who need to lose a little more than that last five pounds.

That last five pounds.  Is that supposed to be some kind of a joke? If I got that close to my ideal weight, I’d throw myself a three-keg pizza party...

At any rate these gym owners need to take a hint from department stores and designate a plus size or a women’s area.  We need a place of our own so we don’t offend the Under Armor wearing Bratz packs of the work-out world with our fatassness. I take a moment to fantasize about stretching out on the floor without someone thinking I look like the Michelin Man on a Twister mat...

A Fat Girls Only Work-Out Room.

Throw in a big screen TV and every season of the Biggest Loser and we’re talking about fitness center perfection.  Who knows, if I could exercise with other big girls while watching Bob and Jillian work their sadistic magic, I might come to the gym more than once a month.  I might turn my flabby body into a Bratz doll, go buy a flat iron, and take a class on how to work those big fancy treadmills.


Referral sent 2010-03-02
Information session 2011-01-21
Appointment with the nurse 2011-02-17
Appointment with Diet/Behav 2011-03-09
Scope 2011-04-29
Education session 2011-05-04
CT Scan 2011-06-02
Appointment with Dr. Yelle 2011-06-28
Appointment with Dr. Klein 2011-08-16
Surgery - Hopefully!
laura S.
on 4/11/11 3:58 am - London, Canada
LOL.. so true!!!!  That would be great!  I haven't read it, but I'm thinking I should  lol

on 4/11/11 6:57 am
Better yet let's make a skinny ***** area that they can all pretend to work out and look at how skinny they are.  So we (as in the chubby club) don't have to hear how far their hip bones are sticking out..... Hopefully some day I can join the SBC and wear Lululemon.  Sounds like a good read.  Loved Bridget Jones, but let's get real.  It kinda pissed me off that she was  not even close to over weight.  Anybody who can run naked in her underwear is not fat....
cheers on the pizza keg party!