Anyone from Guelph who had their first nurse, diet. . SW appt. in Dec. seen the surgeon yet?

Linda S.
on 5/12/11 10:57 am - Canada
Just wondering how things are moving?
Thanks, Linda
1) Referral - June 26/10                           4) 2nd. meeting with same - Feb.2/11
2) Orientation - Dec.9/10
3) Met with S.W. Nurse, Diet. - Dec.14/10

on 5/12/11 11:41 am - Guelph, Canada
When I was at my second appointment with the Nurse at the beginning of April she told me that they are still working on people from November to go in and see the surgeon.  December people should be soon, I would think.  I'll still have a long wait (especially since I have to go in for my third appointments with the Nurse and NUT.)

Pre-opti-  289 lbs    Surgery-  283.8 lbs    Current-  209 lbs    Surgeons Goal-  180    My Goal-  150 lbs

Referral sent - June 2010          Surgery date - December 14, 2011       Referral to surgery - 18 months

laura S.
on 5/12/11 12:23 pm - London, Canada
They are still finishing up the last couple of people in November.  There is a bit of a backlog now due to Dr. P-H being off.  Dr. Reed is covering all of her surgeries and they are expecting about a month's delay added on to our wait at this point.   I'm December 2nd and I promise I'll be shouting it from the rooftops when I finally get the call for the surgeon's appointment!  LOL


Linda S.
on 5/13/11 12:47 am - Canada
I wasn't aware of Dr. PH being off. Do you know why?
Thanks, Linda
1) Referral - June 26/10                           4) 2nd. meeting with same - Feb.2/11
2) Orientation - Dec.9/10
3) Met with S.W. Nurse, Diet. - Dec.14/10

Sweet C.
on 5/12/11 6:50 pm - Woodslee, Canada
I got my final ok from the windsor doc in october.. had to wait until jan for surgery orientation.. then it was feb before i saw Dr. PH in Guelph and my surgery date is may 25th its roughly 3-4 months waiting time from seeing surgery do****il surgery date.  Just keep your head up patience is a must for this surgery :)

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