2 days til surgery...Bad teary day!

(deactivated member)
on 7/23/11 12:01 am - Toronto, Canada
 I've heard Dr. Grantcharov is a great surgeon, so you are in good hands. I think your surgery will be a great success and you will do just wonderful.  Stay positive and try not to worry too much!
Betty Jo L.
on 7/23/11 12:13 am
 Hang in there girl. You will be fine I went through the same thing although I am only having surgery august 10th. I went through this overwhelmed stage and now that I have my protein powders, waiting for my vitamin perscription to come in so I can get it ahead of time. I was freaking not having the vitamins before hand as well as the powders. Now I am just sitting and waiting for my day to come. I start Optifast on Wednesday go me. Keep us updated after your surgery.
 Be Happy and live your life to the fullest          
on 7/23/11 1:03 am
Hey there,

We share the same surgery date!! I too am feeling something. Not sure if it nerves or excitement. I am acting like I did when I went in to have my babies :)  Nesting - Cleaning, rearanging things, stocking up on food for the hubby and kids. Pre-cooked some meals. Today I am plastering the wall where the baby gates made holes years ago and taking down a crib.  Funny eh?

Glad you talked to someone that is sure to always help get things off your mind and Venting is always good too IMO.
Here is to a Great Day on Monday, Speedy Recovery


on 7/23/11 4:05 am
 You know, maybe for the first time in your life you ARE in control. You have taken control and are doing what needs to be done to fix your life. Good for you.
Referral sent on 26 Feb 2010 - Sleep Study on 28 May 2010 - Info session at WMC on 14 Jan 11- Appt with the APN (nurse) on 27 Jan 11 - Dietician and Behaviorist appts on Feb 24. WLS Class 6th April 2011 - Surgeon appt 3 May 2011 Dr Yelle - Surgery June 6th          
on 7/23/11 6:23 am - Canada
I'm a bit behind you but I go through moments where I can't wait and moments where  I think I must be crazy to do this.  And they come and go all day.  But mostly I know I'm ready.  You are ready too and have been for months.  But even though we read posts and talk to others, it is still like going into the unknown because we have not yet had the experience. 

I think you are totally right that it feels like giving up control and that part scares me too.  You have a really busy house and life.  See if you can't slow everything down a little bit the next couple of days so you are not overwhelmed before surgery.  The boys are going to have to entertain themselves a bit and hubby will have to pick up some slack, but  think it would help.

Text, call, message me if you need to.  I'm really excited for you and you are going to be awesome at this.  Few people are as focused and determined as you Tanja.

Brandy S.
on 7/24/11 2:16 am - Sudbury, Canada
Good Luck!!!! your going to do great!!!!!
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