Need to go!!!!

on 8/8/11 11:05 pm
So in general I feel ok.Very low energy but I am still having major issues with BM"S.I am not able to go. I take stool softners daily and yesterday I took lax a day and had a mini bm. I feel so full all the time and very uncomfortable. Not sure what else I can do?
I have called the clinic and the hospital and they have both been useless. I find the after care from both places utterly useless. I had this problem in the hospital and they ignored it and I have been left to fend for myself on this one. I am afraid to eat more food as I know I am not eatting enough. Afraid that it won't come out!! Sheesh Never thought I could want a BM sooooo bad!
Mary A.
on 8/8/11 11:16 pm
oh  that's terrible,  unfortunatly I cannot help you because I have never had issues with bowel movements...

just wanted to let you know I read your thread and hope that someone can help you out in thsi regard.

also try google and see what it comes up with (try bariatric and bowel movement) in the same search..and see what it comes up....I know you are NOT the first to have this issue.

huge hugs

are you drinking adequate amounts of water/liquids????

prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

Rachel O.
on 8/8/11 11:17 pm - Hamilton, Canada
RNY on 03/02/12
Have you tried Senikot??  Come in pill or liquid.  Or even given yourself a suppository??   I am sure one of those two will help you get the "pooh" out.

On a side note: I work with disabled ppl and deal with "pooh"  daily.

Hope this may help :) 
on 8/8/11 11:47 pm - Orillia, Canada
Just be careful and avoid trying too many things. I tried 'everything' post op and it actually made the problem worse. The more I tried and worried about it, the worse it got. I finally went to my family doctor and he recommended Lactulose (or Acilac). You get it from the pharmacist. I call it my liquid gold. I still have to use it from time to time as constipation is a huge issue for me. It may take a day or two, but it fixed me right up. Once you 'get going', you may want to try a Restoralax every day for a while. I have heard good things about that too to keep things regular.

Best of luck,


                 "Don't trade what you want the most,
                    for what you want at the moment."


on 8/8/11 11:46 pm - Canada
I had same issue post-surgery and hospital advised me to use a Ducolax suppository. Half hour later, no problem.

on 8/8/11 11:53 pm - Athens, Canada

I too had good luck with Dulcolax suppositories. Hope you are able to get going soon!

on 8/9/11 12:13 am
I've had minor problems too - I've used the benefibre and most times that worked, but I've also had to use Milk of Magnesium.  These were suggested by HRRH and there are others on the list but I've used these. Good Luck.
Sue in Courtice
My angel is Ashleighsmom 

(deactivated member)
on 8/9/11 12:57 am - Bumfuknowhere, Canada
My clinic advised us to take 1 tbsp of Milk of Magnesia every hour until you go.  I only needed one dose most times.
on 8/9/11 1:08 am - Arnprior, Canada

When I had this issue post-op, I was told to take Milk of Magnesia and Ducolax suppository at the same time (I hadn't gone in a week).  This worked for me.  For prevention, make sure you are getting your liquids in.


Monica M.
on 8/9/11 1:33 am - Penetanguishene, Canada
You might need an enema to get things cleared out.

Here are some simple tips, once you get the blockage removed, to keep yourself regular.

Have a drink of something warm in the morning, to get things moving. I have coffee, but you can even have a drink of warm water.

Give yourself time to go, (after that warm drink) try to make it the same time, each day. Relax. (men have this figured out, they have their hour or so in the bathroom every morning, while us women seem to want to get things out and go, we can learn something from them)

Add bran to your yogurt  or applesauce (i use all bran buds)

Have a prune or two each day.

Drink lots.

some foods can be constipating, for example: bananas, rice.
Codeine is a huge constipator.

try to eat fresh veggies and fruit, they're natural fibre.

Did i mention you should drink lots?

Remember that with increased fibre, you need increased liquids. So you should drink lots. Stool softeners may require you to drink more, as well. So, yeah, drink lots. (no more than 4 litres a day, tho, that can put your electrolytes out of whack)

Try not to rely on suppositories or laxatives, they can compound the problem, and you'll become dependent on them.

i hope you get this sorted out, constipation is a *****
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