Need to go!!!!

on 8/9/11 10:31 am

Hey Monica,

Just wanted to say that applesauce or apples are used in the diet to stop diahheria - BRATT

Bananas, Rice, Apples, Toast and Tea.   So beware of applesauce.

on 8/9/11 1:40 am
Thanks everyone. I have tried the suppositories, laxatives, i drink the recommended amount of liquid (plain water does not sit well) so i drink crystal ligh****ered down with my daily softener lactulose. It is not a matter of it being too hard..more that my body doesn't want to get it moving out!!! Plus I am just staring week @ so purees are now available so hoping the veg will get it moving.
I'm not sure I am able to eat the bran buds yet?
As for yogurt (I cant stand the low cal one taste like aspartame)
on 8/9/11 1:53 am, edited 8/9/11 1:57 am - St Thomas, Canada
Boy do I know how you are feeling! I finally got in to see a GI doc. Here is what he told me to do.
Drink Lax A Day twice a day for one week. You must drink 5-8 glasses of water every day. Lax A Day is safe to take long term. After one week add a dose of Lax A Day if you are still having issues or subtract a dose if you are going too much. One dose a day works great for me and I haven't been constipated since I have been using it regularly. I can't believe what a difference this has made in how I feel. I still have some other stomach issues but the constipation is now under control.
Stool softeners are generally gel like capsules and I'm not sure we produce enough digestive enzymes to break them down enough so they might not work well for us.

OOPS almost forgot he mentioned to do some exercise like stairs every day that has you bouncing up and down too.


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on 8/9/11 7:01 pm - MI
I have had the same problem since surgery. So frustrating. The group and physician I see have been fantastic. They have told me to take Miralax. It works great. I mix it with crystal light and you cant even taste it. It can take a couple of days to start working but try it. The last thing you need is a bowel obstruction. Also, try to make sure you are drinking all of your water. We eat so much protein that without it you can get all blocked up.

Good luck
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