Open incision...

on 8/25/11 4:18 am - Canada
Hi everyone!
So I went and I had my staples taken out. Dr. Reed said I could have them out 7-10 days and it has been a week since surgery. So I went to a clinic near my house because my family doctor is on holidays and the doctor said everything looked great and they were all healed up. I am naturally a really fast healer, my body was actually starting to push the staples out on it own. Long story short, I came home and about 2 hrs later the vertical incision about my belly button popped open. I went back to the doctor's and they said that the incision is healed all the way down but the skin to skin attachment wasn't healing. She said it was probably because of a small infection that stopped the 2 sides coming together. She looked it over and said there doesn't seem to be any infection now (there is no blood, no redness, a little bit of oozing but not enough to be worried about). She put some polysporin on it, covered it with some gauze and said it will slowly heal itself over a couple of weeks. I was just wondering if anyone here had a similar issue and what you did. I called my clinic but they haven't gotten back to me yet. My plan of "attack" right now is to leave it uncovered as much as I can so that the air can get at it. I'll only have it covered if I'm going out or sleeping. I'm also using a bit of polysporin. Is there anything else I should do? How should I clean it? Also, should I cover it in the shower?
Thanks so much for all your help!!
-Lovin' Life
Referral sent to Guelph: April 2010        Second app (Nut/ Nurse): Jan. 31st/ 11
Orientation: September 16th, 2010        Surgery information class: May 10th/ 11          
Sleep Study: No sleep apnea                 Surgeon (Dr.Reed): July 19th/ 11     
H-pylori: Negative                                   PATTS: August 12th/ 11
(Nut/SW/Nurse): Dec.9th/10                     Surgery: August 18th/ 11                 
Susanne S.
on 8/25/11 4:23 am, edited 8/25/11 5:13 am - London, Canada
same incision for me. I had mine taken out on day 8. the very top of the incision is like that, the rest of it is fine. I left it uncovered as well. I've showered and used soap on it and really patted it dry well, then just let it air dry for a bit. It's looking much much better after a couple of days. I didn't put polysporin on mine because I didn't want it moist, figured it was better to let it dry out then keep moist. Nice to know I wasn't the only one.
on 8/25/11 4:42 am - Canada
Lol, damn that incision. I think its also because they was ALOT on tension on that incision with my belly being so bloated and moving around. It sure is nice to know your not so maybe I'll back off on the polysporin for abit until it dries out and keep an eye on it. Thanks so much Susanne!!
Referral sent to Guelph: April 2010        Second app (Nut/ Nurse): Jan. 31st/ 11
Orientation: September 16th, 2010        Surgery information class: May 10th/ 11          
Sleep Study: No sleep apnea                 Surgeon (Dr.Reed): July 19th/ 11     
H-pylori: Negative                                   PATTS: August 12th/ 11
(Nut/SW/Nurse): Dec.9th/10                     Surgery: August 18th/ 11                 
Monica M.
on 8/25/11 4:41 am, edited 8/25/11 4:42 am - Penetanguishene, Canada
yes, sounds like youre doing the right things. Just keep doing that.
as for the shower, just make sure you keep it clean in there, too, don't use a washcloth/pouf that you've used on other areas, make sure you dry it well after.
on 8/25/11 4:43 am - Canada
Okay sounds great! Thanks so much!!
Referral sent to Guelph: April 2010        Second app (Nut/ Nurse): Jan. 31st/ 11
Orientation: September 16th, 2010        Surgery information class: May 10th/ 11          
Sleep Study: No sleep apnea                 Surgeon (Dr.Reed): July 19th/ 11     
H-pylori: Negative                                   PATTS: August 12th/ 11
(Nut/SW/Nurse): Dec.9th/10                     Surgery: August 18th/ 11                 
(deactivated member)
on 8/25/11 6:30 am - Guelph, Canada
 if you are worried you can go to shoppers and get some steri strips... that will help hold it together
on 8/25/11 6:55 am
I had the same problem after my second c-section.  I did eventually heal though.  I haven't removed my steri strips yet...kind of nervous to, but will have to eventually.  :)


now onto living!
on 8/25/11 7:18 am - Canada
Hi Guys!
My incision is starting to get sore at the top and bottom because it is constantly being stretched. Should I but some steri-strips to put on it to help it heal? I was thinking if I put them on and then each day take them off, clean the incision, let it air for a bit and then reapply them if the same stretching pain happens.
Thanks for all your input!!
-Lovin' life!
Referral sent to Guelph: April 2010        Second app (Nut/ Nurse): Jan. 31st/ 11
Orientation: September 16th, 2010        Surgery information class: May 10th/ 11          
Sleep Study: No sleep apnea                 Surgeon (Dr.Reed): July 19th/ 11     
H-pylori: Negative                                   PATTS: August 12th/ 11
(Nut/SW/Nurse): Dec.9th/10                     Surgery: August 18th/ 11                 
on 8/25/11 7:22 am
it sill amazes me as to how different each surgery is. I don't have any vertical incisions. That being said, i had an open c section and the doctor told me to clean with saline solution even after a bath to remove any soap residue and that wounds heal better moist -polysporin and warm- from the bandage?? I know every doctor will tell you different. The steri strips sound good and may minimize scarring.
good luck. There is a good anti bacterial cream for skin called Fucidin _by prescription.
on 8/25/11 7:23 am
If there is no current sign of infection the wound should be covered to heal and avoid contamination. Clean the area with a mild soap, then cover it with moist gauze, then dry gauze and a bandage (polysporin is not needed). Change the dressings every 12 hours. This is the most up to date wound care information and what has been clinically observed to promote the fastest healing. Keeping the wound 'open to the air' is more likely to lead to infections and take longer to properly heal, also moist dressings speed up the healing time by adhering to the wound while drying and removing dead skin cells each time you change the dressing. Good luck with the wound!
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