7 months post op Minus 125 POUNDS !!!!

on 9/8/11 2:25 am - ajax, Canada
Wow!!  Congrat's on the weight lose!!  You look awesome!!
     My  is stewartjackie
on 9/8/11 2:32 am - Ontario, Canada
VSG on 02/29/12
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You look fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

 TBIYTC-The Best Is Yet To Come Referral-Mar 2011   Surgery Feb 29th, 2012




(deactivated member)
on 9/8/11 2:43 am - Toronto, Canada
Amazing!  Congratulations on the incredible weight loss...you look like a totally different person to me...much healthier and vibrant looking!
(deactivated member)
on 9/8/11 3:04 am - Canada
Holy hot Mama!!!
You look fabulous and very very happy. Way to rock your RNY.
Wishing you continued success!
on 9/8/11 3:18 am - Bolton, Canada
Thank you everyone for your kind words.  I feel like a new woman!  It has been quite a ride, so hold on.

My only regret is that I didn't do this 20 years ago.

Look out 40 here I come!

Jennifer D.
on 9/8/11 3:32 am
Way to rock your RNY Traci! Your eyes just pop now.
          Thank you Cheri and Holly!
       Think twice, cut once! I've had 3 surgeries now, RNY, VSG and DS .
                                Ask me about the DS or visit dsfacts.com
2002 - RNY
2010 - RNY to VSG
2011 - Full DS-August 24th
                HW 311   SW 306  CW 235  GW 150
Brenda T.
on 9/8/11 3:41 am - Oshawa, Canada
RNY on 05/14/12
you look even more awsome!!
on 9/8/11 4:32 am
VAAVAAAVOOOOM you are rocking this surgery. 

Look out 40 you will strut through that with no problem!

Linda G.
on 9/8/11 5:40 am - Canada
WOW!  I'm sorry for your tough times, but you look amazing.  Exciting days ahead for you!
Linda G
on 9/8/11 5:38 am - Athens, Canada
YEOWZA! Traci you look amazing. Keep up the good work. 40 won't know what hit it! Live it up and enjoy yourself, because you definitely deserve it! All the best for your continued success.

I also wish I had done this years ago.