Anyone heard of or tried this??

on 10/28/11 1:30 pm - Canada
Hi Everyone!
Im currently on the search for a new calcium supplement. Right now I am taking 3 webbers naturals calcium citrate + vitamin d a day and its killing my stomach. Within about 45 mins of taking it I start having bad stomach pains, cramping and some gas..I've been searching around online and I came across this...UPCAL D calcium supplement..has anyone tried this?? If so, is it any good.. The information I have read and the reviews seem pretty good.. but I thought I would check here first..
Thanks in advance for your help!
lovin' life!
Referral sent to Guelph: April 2010        Second app (Nut/ Nurse): Jan. 31st/ 11
Orientation: September 16th, 2010        Surgery information class: May 10th/ 11          
Sleep Study: No sleep apnea                 Surgeon (Dr.Reed): July 19th/ 11     
H-pylori: Negative                                   PATTS: August 12th/ 11
(Nut/SW/Nurse): Dec.9th/10                     Surgery: August 18th/ 11                 
Monica M.
on 10/28/11 9:29 pm - Penetanguishene, Canada
never heard of it. See if you can get some samples to try it out. Is it calcium citrate?
on 10/28/11 11:36 pm - Canada
Good idea! Yes, it is calcium citrate.
Referral sent to Guelph: April 2010        Second app (Nut/ Nurse): Jan. 31st/ 11
Orientation: September 16th, 2010        Surgery information class: May 10th/ 11          
Sleep Study: No sleep apnea                 Surgeon (Dr.Reed): July 19th/ 11     
H-pylori: Negative                                   PATTS: August 12th/ 11
(Nut/SW/Nurse): Dec.9th/10                     Surgery: August 18th/ 11                 
on 10/29/11 2:50 am - Canada
I've not tried (nor heard of) the UPCAL, but if you are shopping around I thought I'd just mention that I had exactly the same problem with the Bariatric Advantage supplements after I had been on them about 4 weeks.  As soon I stopped taking them the problem resolved.  I have found  that liquid supplements are much easier on my pouch than the tablets.  It's a nuisance to have to take it that way, but my system likes it a lot better.  I use Genestra Brand Liquid Multi Vite & Mineral  for general vitamins, and Webber Naturals liquid Calcium + Vitamin D (blueberry).  Hope you find something that works for you.

on 10/30/11 1:22 pm
Upcal is commonly mentioned on the RNY board. It's pretty standard and should be fine.

Another alternative for powdered is NOW brand Calcium citrate powder, which can be ordered with free ship from Also, Quest makes a minty chewable (though it is kinda gritty.
Mary A.
on 10/31/11 5:36 am
have you tried Calcium Citrate (Webber) in capules form??/ it could be the pill pre-digesting before it should causing irritation???

prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

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