Family sues Ottawa Hospital after woman, 37, dies following gastric bypass surgery

(deactivated member)
on 12/13/11 3:15 am, edited 12/13/11 3:16 am - Canada
WTF? Catfight? Its been civil here.

If you're going to troll at least do it properly. Sheesh
on 12/13/11 12:06 am - Canada
The allegations in the statement of claim have not been proven in court and The Ottawa Hospital has not yet filed its statement of defence.
thats the last line in the article and it got me to thinking, this is only one side of the story and how much of it is really true? These are the husbands claims as to the details, until we get the hospitals side, we cannot judge or really comment on this. I doubt we will ever hear the hospitals side though.

I do feel for the family and I am sorry that she lost her life while trying to save it.
Referral sent Aug 24th 2010
Orientation Feb 22 2011 Windsor

Karen M.
on 12/13/11 12:10 am - Mississauga, Canada
Exactly.  Agreed. 



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 12/13/11 12:10 am - Ottawa, Canada
Two weeks ago, I asked the number of surgeries the doctors in the program have performed, and Dr. Dent wouldn't tell me. He would not tell me how many deaths, nothing. Now I know that it is not his stats, but he should know and be willing to communicate this information.

I have my meeting with the dietician and the behaviourist next week. And then surgery next year. But if I have to wait until the meeting with the surgeon to find out what the risk of death is, it is kind of too late emotionally. I will be invested at that point.

I could not find the mortality rate for the Ottawa program on the internet. They have reviews of the surgeons on this site but no mortality rate. I cannot evaluate the risk I am taking. I can understand what the relatives of this woman are saying. You all say that you knew the risks. What are they? What is the mortality rate for the Ottawa clinic.

The general mortality rate for gastric by-pass is .2 or .1 depending on where you look. But the per surgeon rates are more telling.

Karen M.
on 12/13/11 12:14 am - Mississauga, Canada
Wouldn't? Or couldn't perhaps?

I think what I might suggest is calling the centre and asking who you would have to speak to to get those very reasonable questions answered.



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 12/13/11 12:24 am - Ottawa, Canada
Hmmm, I will call later today. I just wish the stats were more available.
on 12/13/11 3:01 am - Cambridge, Canada
 I do agree with you.  Those stats should be up front.  One problem I've always had with the "way" things are done in Ontario is how you don't find out who your surgeon is until the last second.  Kind of like a "be happy with what you get" mentality?  Like you said - at that point you're so worn out of waiting - would you really say "I'm holding out for a more experienced surgeon" or just hope for the best?  You should be able to have time to research your surgeon and know what you're going into.

But then again - how would the newer surgeon's get experience?

I think a lot of people wait for Guelph, even though the wait is longer, because all three surgeon's there are known and have pretty good you know it won't really matter who you get in the end.

Not saying there are great surgeons at other centres...but there are a lot of drs there and some I've never heard of.  You should be able to see a surgeon's stats up front I think.
Proud Member of the Cambridge Crew!    
HW293/LW147/CW158   Height 5'9"  Working on Maintenance!
Fleur de lis TT and Brachioplasty - Oct. 19, 2010 Breast reduction and scar revision August 2, 2011
on 12/13/11 11:56 am - Canada
Erica, you are so right!
(deactivated member)
on 12/13/11 12:19 am - Bumfuknowhere, Canada
We all know the risks in that death is a possiblity.  I am sure that most of us just take the general numbers of the 1 in 200.  Why not just call the Ottawa program and ask them those questions.  I doubt you will find anything online for any of the surgeons in Ontario about mortality.  US surgeons will post them because it's big business there.
on 12/13/11 12:53 am - Windsor, Canada
 I didn't even have to ask. My surgeon volunteered his stats at the consult.   700:1.   He even told me the age and nature of the one death.
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