stinky situation...suggestions needed

on 2/6/12 3:50 am
So i have a bit of a gas problem since surgery. i am full of it and the smell is so awful i am sure i could kill something with it.. my husband said our heat bill will be expensive cause he keeps the patio door and windows open to air out the house it is that bad.. i talked to my family dr and he said to me that it is normal and actually having smelly gas is good..(not sure its so good for the other people around me) . i recently had a ultrasound for my kidneys and while i was getting it done they had a hard time to get a picture as the tech told me i was "full" of anyways i am hoping maybe you guys have some suggestions as to maybe certain foods i should avoid or limit so that i am not so gassy.. sorry for the tmi..
on 2/6/12 4:20 am
Hmmm, this is an interesting issue :)  I am not having this problem.  Could you give us an idea of a typical day of input that may seem to cause this?

Would Beano help?  Is it even adviseable for someone post gastric bypass?  I am grasping at straws here. 

Good luck in the resolution of this.

on 2/6/12 4:27 am - St Thomas, Canada
I've heard of a couple of things that can help with the really smelly gas issue. One is charcoal capsules. Kind of hard to find but they are usually with the natural supplements. I have seen them at Bulk Barn in the supplement isle. Another product is called Devrom (it is called an internal deodorant).
Of course you can do a search on foods that cause gas and try eliminating those from you diet too.
You may also be Lactose Intolerant after surgery. Which means that dairy could be causing you to have excessive gas and bloating.

I have huge issues with intestinal gas (this is not the gas that causes you to burp) but this stays in your intestines and causes extreme bloating and discomfort. I now know for sure that I am very Lactose Intolerant (I did the 4 hour breath test) so I limit dairy or take Lactase Enzyme with it.

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on 2/7/12 1:49 am - Canada
I'm starting to think I'm lastose intolerant, or at least sensitive.  What's the 4 hour breath test?

on 2/7/12 2:43 am - St Thomas, Canada
My GI doctor ordered this test. It is to test for Lactose Intolerance. You drink a Lactose based drink and they test your breath at regular intervals by having you blow through some tubing into a liquid that changes colour. This test was done in the Nuclear Medicine Department of the hospital. My results came back as "extemely lactose intolerant".


London and Area Support Group Leader
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OH certified WLS Support Group Leader



on 2/9/12 1:08 am - Canada
Wow, interesting test, thanks for the info.

(deactivated member)
on 2/6/12 4:29 am, edited 2/6/12 4:31 am - Canada
OMG! Ive been having the same issue! I was thinking of seriously adding parsley to my diet and chewing on it a few times a day! I dont get bloated but when it can kill someone!

Ive just chalked it up to my diet being so protein heavy. Unless that changes, I think I might be stuck with the gas. Im seriously gonna try the parsley thing though. I read that can help with gas odor.
on 2/6/12 4:50 am
thank you for the interesting info. i never thought that diary could be causing it but it makes sense because i bloat really bad as well .. i am going to look further into the lactose intolerance .. as for the parsley i have never heard of that but i will try it.. no harm in trying it out.. and if it works .. that would be amazing.. i am really  puzzled because i seem to pass gas even after just drinking water .. which i drink alot of.. just a strange but thanks again
(deactivated member)
on 2/6/12 5:05 am - Toronto, Canada
 I was expecting the same problem...but I don't really have it.  I fart loud and frequently, but it doesn't smell at all????  Can't figure out why, but its an improvement over pre-op, lol!
Hope you find the source of the problem and it goes away.
on 2/6/12 5:48 am - Port Sydney, Canada
LOL I am in the same situation here with windows and doors wide open. Even the puppy runs when it comes out. I would also like to run but its me thats the problem. I was at HRRH this morning and talked to the dietican about the problem and she suggested to up my fibre. I will let you know if this helps, you could try it also I figure anything could help. I can not attach febreze bottle successfully or an air freshener. ROFL
