Having a touch time

on 2/29/12 8:30 pm - Canada
Sorry for my candor, but maybe you can think back how you felt about 3 years ago and the feelings and needs you had.

We all know this is about  long term benefits, but the journey has ups and downs and we use this site to get through the valleys and have cheerleards during the peaks.

Get of your perch.


SW 291  GW 199.9 CW 180 Surgery: TWH Dr. Penner Dec 20 2011
Celebrating life and opportunities for new beginings!!!


on 2/29/12 8:38 pm - Amherstburg, Canada
RNY on 01/18/12

A few days ago I posted about my first stall... then deleted it within minutes, because I got out the tape measure and saw I had still lost inches even though the scales had not moved.

I am now at day 10 of my first stall and I am only 6 weeks out from surgery and 9 weeks since Optifast... yes I lost an amazing 48 pounds and 38 inches.... I am an intelligent person and I know with time it will pick back up again... but don't anyone think this is about being impatient! Wrong assumption.

For me... it is more about having lost 52 pounds on weigh****chers a couple of years back and then stalled forever no matter what I did nothing budged...  so when someone "like me" reacts it is because we aren't really sure as a RNY newbie what the heck is happening or suppose to happen as so much is happening all at once for us...  you can read but until it happens, you do not truly know... you're on a high of rapid consistent weight loss coupled with all these sensations we have never experienced before... this is about fear of the unknown... will I be the one that fails... etc... so Harold and everyone else having their "first" stall... trust me I feel your fear and it's okay to say this stall SUCKS, because it does! LOL

Enjoy your day!

My Journey: Highest W= 349 Loss w/Weight Watchers= 296 Loss w/Optifast= 278 
Referral: Aug.25/11 Orientation: Sept.26/11, Optifast: Dec.28/11 & Surgery: Jan 18/12 

Total Loss= 187 lbs & Weight Loss since Dec 28/2011 w/Opti+WLS= 134 lbs. 

Current Weight  - April 2013 = 162.2




