Opti Fast leftovers?

Jessica D.
on 8/10/12 6:01 pm - Canada
am waiting for the call for my appts., had my orientation................waswondering if anyone has left over Optifast that they would be willing to part with..........my family and I are on a disability cheque every month and I am concerned about how I am gonna manage to pay for the Optifast.
on 8/10/12 7:12 pm - Richmond Hill, Canada
RNY on 06/22/12
 I drank all my optifast.


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt    

Hanneli xoxo
on 8/10/12 7:20 pm - Sudbury, Canada
RNY on 10/30/12
 I was supposed to buy some from thefrostedside    Maybe you can buy it from her since I am thinking it will expire before my surgery this winter. I think the expiry date was January

on 8/10/12 8:15 pm - Oshawa, Canada
RNY on 08/22/12
start putting some money away right now
check with disability if they will help cover any of it
Referral from GP- July/11 Orientation at TWH-Nov 24/11 Nurse appt-Jan 18/12
SW-Jan 18/12 Nutrition Class -Feb1/12 Diet - Feb2/12 Psych - Feb7/12
Surgeon Mtg- June 29/12 PreOp - Aug 4/12 Surgery-Aug 22/12
Susan B.
on 8/11/12 3:49 am, edited 8/12/12 6:13 am - Canada
RNY on 02/17/12
remember you will not need to buy food for the time you are on opti-it really does offset the price.  This is why we were all told about the costs at orientation, and at most other meetings. 

Are you able to afford the supplements post surgery?  They are expensive and just as important. 

As well there is the different cost to the food you will be required to eat post op.   Have you calculated that into your budget?

I am not trying to be harsh just tossing in a dose of healthy reality.  The surgery is the first step in the life changes you will need to make forever.
            From Orientation at TWH to Surgical date~6 months 
Jessica D.
on 8/11/12 8:21 pm - Canada

 I checked with disability and they do not help with the cost..

I understand that it will be all I will be eating but I still need to feed my family and believe it or not....I do not eat much so I doubt I spend $100 a week on food for myself.

I know I will manage to pay for it some how because I am determined to change my quality of life.

I was just asking if anyone had any left they would like to part with. I would take it off their hands...lol


