long time away from here

on 8/24/12 8:15 am
Hi everyone..
i havent been on here in months.. lots has been going on in my life...dealing with a separation has taken a toll on my body... so i am here for some words of encouragement as i know you are all fantastic... i just got on the scale and i have gained a whopping 10lbs.. and boy i feel it and hate it... i do have to admit i have not been eating a whole lot and when i do its at night... i know iknow... iam stressed to the max...
i recently joined the gym and have been doing  cardio.. along with my daily 10 k rollerblading... i was a year out this past june and i never reached my goal.. i would love to get to it and as of right now i need to lose 30 pds.. which i know i can do... iam just lost as to how to get back on track...so any advice on what i can do... like maybe a simple daily meal plan... funds are limited so i have to make it work somehow.. at this point i am frustrated.. PLEASE HELP..
on 8/24/12 1:27 am, edited 8/24/12 1:30 am
RNY on 02/28/12
 Sounds like you have started putting things back on track. Kudos!

First, look and see where you are vulnerable.  If you are not eating much all day but over eating at night my first thought is getting more in during the day and spreading it out more evenly so you don't get ravenously hungry.  Make sure there is no junk in the house.  Meal plans are a great idea.  Set them up for the week, shop for that list and prepare you meals the night before if possible.  Track your food, water and exercise,  remember the protein first and no drinking after eating.

See if you can plan activities for times you stress eat - go walking with a friend, start knitting, clean out your closets...you get the idea. 

You should still be in the malabsorption phase so getting back on track should shed those extra pounds reasonably easily if you stick to plan. 

Lastly look for support - therapist, support group etc.  contact the social worker or psychologist at your Bariatric centre.  Do this NOW while things are still manageable.  Dont wait till things are truly of the rails.  You are not alone in your struggles.  Take advantage of any supports you can muster. 

You are human. We humans make mistakes.  Don't beat yourself up.  Give yourself credit for checking in and moving forward.



RNY February 2012

starting BMI 40

on 8/24/12 9:17 am - Canada
I'm Pre-op so really I don't know nothing about nothing.... but I would think perhaps just getting back to basics...

Protein first, don't drink with meals, get rid of all junk food, have a lot of healthy snacks on hand... for instance if you eat at night perhaps eat some nuts, or carrot sticks etc for a night snack rather then "meal" food?

I am sorry to hear about your break up. That always makes me sad ... (or joyful if it was a really bad relationship). Please know that sometimes those bad things make way for really great things! Hold your head high, one foot in front of the other and you WILL make it through.

Stick around the support here is amazing. I checked out your profile and it looks to me like you have been doing a great job!

on 8/24/12 10:33 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12
I have hear people talk about going back to fluids for a few days as a way to get focused. You might find a post on here about it.





on 8/24/12 11:35 am - Canada

Being upset and grieving after a separation is a normal part of it. So let that process work itself through. Channel that into the gym workouts and rollerblading. Remember that it's an open road ahead and it can be what you make of it. 

As mentioned, work the system you know and get back on track to lose the weight you gained and then make that original goal happen! You can and now it's only you holding yourself back. Don't forget to log in here and update us and we'll energize you! :) 

Best of luck, you can do it! 

Long you live and high you fly 
And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry 
And all you touch and all you see 
Is all your life will ever be.


on 8/24/12 12:37 pm - Guelph, Canada
RNY on 06/30/15
First I want to say - You look amazing!  Love your haircut!

This site is great for support!  I too have gone through a separation/divorce, I am still pre-op though, but fortunately for me, getting rid of him was the best thing for my health!  I can't say that I'm eating as healthy as I really should, but I am working on it.  Focus on what makes you happy, fill your days with as much joy and laughter as you can.  Doing a meal plan sounds like a great idea...start logging your food, making sure you are eating balanced meals, make time for you?   Joining a gym is a great way to get active, keep busy, possibly meet others in similar situations that can offer support to each other??

Be proud of your accomplishments!!  You'll get to your goal when you need to.



Moving on doesn't mean you forget about things.  It just means you have to accept what happened and continue LIVING  


on 8/24/12 1:31 pm
Thank you everyone.. i knew i could get some positive feedback.. i know in time i will get there and i need to remember that i chose to put me first when i did this surgery and i need to keep telling myself that i still need to be first.. which for me is hard...once again thank you
(deactivated member)
on 8/24/12 5:05 pm - Peterborough, Canada
RNY on 10/19/12
Sorry to hear about your seperation. I think now is the time to focus on yourself. Have you thought about trying the 5 day pouch test? It might be a way to get back on track.
on 8/25/12 5:09 pm - Richmond Hill, Canada
RNY on 06/22/12
Kick some butt at the gym and think of the Ex.

I'm sure you know what to do, just ease back into it, one better habit every 3 days.

Best wishes.


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt    
