New here, scheduled for surgery Nov. 15th with Dr Raiche in Ottawa

on 10/23/12 8:34 pm - Ottawa, Canada
RNY on 11/15/12
 I have a good friend staying with me while I am in the hospital and my guy with me 3-5 days after I get home and my daughter is coming up to help a few days following so I should have about a week of aftercare. I am headed to the clinic today at some point to get the rest of my optifast....I hope your appointment goes well. 
(deactivated member)
on 10/22/12 3:19 pm - Canada
I had mine done in ottawa as well by dr. Mamazza. But dr. Raiche came to visit me twice while i was in the hospital. She is great. Your in excellent hands, try not to worry too much.
on 10/22/12 7:56 pm - Ottawa, Canada
RNY on 11/15/12
 Thank you all for the warm welcome!

I am still trying to figure my way around the site. It seems the forums and other fields allow and use basic HTML? I have to search for threads I have commented on as it does not seem to give me notification when replies are made. I am sure I will get it sooner or later.

I may have overwhelmed myself reading my first day yesterday because I could barely sleep. So many things I read were going through my head.

I am down between 140 & 150 lbs as of Feb. 23rd 2011 on my own but still have such a long way to go and had lost 160 but it slowed and then I put back some and now hover at 140-150 lbs lost...I don't want to ever regain or not be able to lose the remaining bit that is weighing me down is why I decided to go with the surgery after all.

on 10/22/12 8:53 pm - Canada
Hello everyone!   I too am an Ottawa patient and am hoping some of you (especially those recently through the stream ahead of me) can ease my mind a little (throw me a life preserver!) and give me an idea of a timeline?  I had my final dietician apt. In August and am awaiting scope, pre-surg class & surgeon apt.s.  I guess my frustration is that no one there will commit to any kind of time frame, and, I guess I can understand that, it depends on your treatment needs resulting from each medical test.  Also wondering, when you get your surgical date are you given some kind of notice?  Is there flexibility in that date?  Thanks so much:)
on 10/22/12 9:00 pm - Ottawa, Canada
RNY on 11/15/12
 I was referred by my GP, GYN and endocrinologist and  a few months later...

Here has been the process for me so far at the Ottawa Hospital Weight Management Clinic:  

"Info Session" March 25th 2011   
"Assessment" Dr Dent April 21st 2011  
"Follow-up" Dr. Dent  August 22nd 2011  
"Behaviorist & Dietitian" Jan 16th 2012  
"Behaviorist & Dietitian" Sept 2012  
"Pre-Op Class" Oct. 3rd 2012 
"Consent for Surgery" Dr. Raiche Oct. 16th 2012 


on 10/22/12 9:06 pm - Canada
 Thanks so much for posting that:). Breathing a sigh of relief, looks like things sailed along pretty quick for you (easy for me to say, huh?).
on 10/22/12 9:20 pm - Ottawa, Canada
RNY on 11/15/12
On October 23, 2012 at 4:06 AM Pacific Time, Dreamalittledream wrote:
 Thanks so much for posting that:). Breathing a sigh of relief, looks like things sailed along pretty quick for you (easy for me to say, huh?).
 I think in the big picture yes it did go fairly smooth for me. Of course it didn't feel like it going through the process. I did have to get my sleep apnea diagnosed and properly treated as well as my PCOS, type 2 diabetes, thyroid and other issues all during this time so there was quite a lot to pack in. I start Optifast tomorrow! 
on 10/22/12 9:41 pm - Canada
 Very excited for you!!
on 10/22/12 10:25 pm - Canada
 Welcome Evie.

I'm going through Ottawa, live in a small town about 30 minutes south east.  My process has been a lot longer than yours but I am finally on Opti (started last week) and am having surgery November 8 with Dr. Raiche as well.  I only found this site a few weeks ago and am SOOO happy I did.  It is such a wonderful forum filled with great people!  You can get a lot of great information, and support from people who know exactly what you're going through!  I've certainly become addicted!
I'm not finding Optifast too bad.  Day 3 was the worst, I craved solid foods, was bored and had to fight through it but now on day 5 I really feel like I've got a handle on it.  I admit though that cooking dinner for the rest of my family feels like torture but I have my broth with them at the dinner table and use a small spoon to make it last longer ;)

Congrats on getting your date and welcome to the forum!  Looking forward to hearing more from you!

referral: fall 2010, orientation: march 2011, nut/psyc: fall 2011, nurse: jan 2012,   tests: march 2012, pre-surg class: Sept 2012, surgeon, Sept. 2012.  Surgery:  Nov 8, 2012

on 10/23/12 12:36 am - Ottawa, Canada
RNY on 11/15/12
 Thanks Jenn :) I added you as well btw. I am super glad I found this site to! Great that we have the same Doctor and are just days apart! Did you get your post op shakes and supplements already? I just posted a thread about it and got a great answer already and wonder what you are doing or have done about this. Cheers, Evie