So... Never thought I'd be asking THIS question

on 1/12/13 7:23 am - Ottawa, Canada

I don't count calories, as it's not simple arithmetic with malabsorption.However, about two years ago, going into a maintenance mode I went to a local weight loss clinic, that is run by a super knowledgeable endo with a great crew... Ended up having a BaseMetabolicRate tested and figured out that at the resting state my body  (at goal, no more overweight) needed 1800 calories just to do its regular body business, lol.

With 300-500 calories "wasted" on exercise I need 2100-2300 calories a day IN. Now, with malabsorption it takes ...more (and I don't want to go into numbers, as lots of people get upset by DSers arithmetic, lolol). I think you can try to measure your BMR. It's going to be way above 1000 calories. And that's the number of calories your body needs to survive (long term)

Nata, a very happy DSer!
Starting BMI - 62, current BMI - NORMAL!!!!!.

204 pounds lost!!!!
on 1/12/13 8:59 am - Brampton, Canada

I agree Nata. There is a certain amount needed just to keep us "functioning".

I gap enough on my own.... trying to figure out your ds thang would just put me over the edge lol

Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.  

on 1/12/13 10:19 am - Toronto, Canada

It's such a weird issue...the caloric intake. I get so many different answers. When I was obsessing about my weight not moving from 135, (in the fall) I was told that my 1,000ish calories a day was sufficient, even with working out. Now i'm set at 1,200 calories a day, and I don't include the calories I use to burn. Today I had the most calories i've eaten in a long time! And most of it this evening. I had just over 1,500 and somehow I feel bad about that. And I burned 800 calories today. Perhaps I don't really have a handle on maintenance as I thought I had.

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

(deactivated member)
on 1/12/13 7:34 am - Peterborough, Canada
RNY on 10/19/12

At our one month the NUT told us about 800 give or take. I find it hard to get under 900. Mermaidz, I know what you mean about the  pain. I use two canes and go to the gym daily it is a real challenge. I may get a walker soon because I don;t think I could make it to the pool  (further) without it but it feels so good when I am in there. They have gentle aqua fit in the therapy pool (warmer about 90) and also aqua yoga. Regular aqua fit in the bit pool. It is just getting there and out that is the challenge.  

Hugs Deb

on 1/12/13 9:01 am - Brampton, Canada

YOu really are my hero Debra. You just keep going. I wish I could be like you!

And I hope your new hip comes soon.. you deserve it!!

I don't recall what our nutritionist said about calories but.. I'm gonna do common sense here me thinks.


Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.  

on 1/12/13 10:32 am

Debra, your doing awesome!  As far as the walker goes, I had to get one over a year ago.  At first

I was feeling pretty bummed out about it, but as l got used to it, I found it so much easier to get around.

I am going swimming now 3 to 4 times a week, and I couldn't do it without my walker, I hope to be able

to give it up at some point but for right now, it's what I need. So you might want to consider

getting one too, you would be amazed at how much easier it is to get around, I wish you all the best! 

Mermaidz as long as your noticing a difference in how you feel, you must be doing alright, but sometimes

our mind works best seeing numbers, I can't get weighed unless I go to the clinic as I still exceed the 

weight of most scales still, however I do find it encouraging to get weighed once in awhile! 

on 1/12/13 10:02 am - Canada

Now I am confused. Optifast is 940 calories per serving of which we were given 4 servings per day. That's 3760 per day just from the Optifast. The majority of people plenty of weight on the diet, I know I lost lots. Also just breathing, your heart beating and doing absolutely nothing at all burns close to 1000 calories per day. So what is it that I am missing here?

Long you live and high you fly 
And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry 
And all you touch and all you see 
Is all your life will ever be.


on 1/12/13 10:53 am, edited 1/12/13 10:54 am - Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
VSG on 01/08/13

No it is absolutely NOT 940 calories per serving.

Optifast 900 is a program of 4 shakes totalling 225 calories each for a grand total of 900 calories a day. Hence Optifast 900.

The 940 you are thinking of are kj - Kilojoules.

Both are a measure of energy but we do not think in kj typically in Canada. the base measurement for Kilojoules are Joules...

In the US it is Optifast 800 but Health Canada insisted on the 900 being the lowest, safe level.

Sorry just needed to correct that.

Um... I just geeked out didn't I. *blushes and hides*

Dr Sullivan VSG Jan. 8th, 2013!
  Lost 100 lbs in a year post op with a VSG. 


on 1/12/13 11:32 am - Canada

That's what I was thinking of. Ok I feel better now. Thanks!

Long you live and high you fly 
And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry 
And all you touch and all you see 
Is all your life will ever be.


on 1/12/13 11:35 am - Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
VSG on 01/08/13


Actually you gave me food for thought. If Health Canada mandates 900 calories + a day... Why would 800 be the goal of a nutritionist. Just asking.

Dr Sullivan VSG Jan. 8th, 2013!
  Lost 100 lbs in a year post op with a VSG. 

