I just can't picture it!!!

on 2/13/11 11:40 am - Smithsburg, MD
I am there with you. Although I must say I do know what it is like to be thin. I was about 115 when I graduated from high school 20 years ago. It wasn't until I had my second child that weight became a real issue and I have not been able to really lose much since having my daughter 11 years ago. I gained over 100lbs with my second pregnancy and it has pretty much stayed on since. I did have a little success with WW about 4 years ago and did manage to get down to about 170, but then my weight would not budge. Then my father passed away and being a stress eater the weight piled back on and even more than what had been lost. Then last year I was diagnosed with gastroperisis. This surgery will do so much for me, but I do admit I am looking forward to being thin again. I do worry about the extra skin and all, but I am prepared to workout as much as I can to help with this and if needed, I will have surgery. My surgery is Tuesday and I am looking forward to this new chapter in my life. My husband just had his surgery Jan 12th so we are each others support thru this and I am looking forward to a healthier life with my famiy. Good Luck with your surgery.
on 2/13/11 11:43 am
WOW! No plastics!?!?!?! That's amazing. I hope to look that good in clothes one day. If I were to ever be able to afford plastics...I'd be about 60 years old by then.   I have been saying that I already hate what I look like under my clothes but I also hate what I look like IN clothes too. I'm hoping that even though I will hate what I look like under clothes after surgery, hopfully I will like what I look like IN them.  Thanks for the inspiring photos Lady Lithia!!!
Lady Lithia
on 2/13/11 11:51 am
Well thank you. You're the second person to ask if I've had plastics based on that last photo. I'm very flattered. Funny thing is that I think of myself as fat still. I'm a high school teacher, and students hang out in my classroom during lunch. Several times i've gotten the most bizarre looks from them, as I'll make some self-deprecating comment about being fat. They think I'm making fun of fat people, and I realize that it's hard to talk about myself as fat when the evidence is not there!

I'm blessed with my results. Amazed that I'm down to a size 8.

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 2/13/11 11:46 am
Cheermonkeysmom:  I too did really well on WW about 4 years ago. I had lost about 80lbs. The most I've ever lost before. I still had a loooong way to go but my dad got ill and passed away too. That was it for me and I gained and gained and gained.  I know the feeling!  I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers on Tuesday and wish you  a speedy recovery! Please keep us updated!!!
on 2/13/11 11:52 am - OR
It's normal. LOL. I couldn't even imagine what I would look like when I got to my goal. I tried to imagine me at a size 12 or size 10. I couldn't do it. LOL. I aways said "I'll never be a size 2" to people when I was heavier. I might have to eat crow. LOL. I think I can get in a size 2 pants depending on the brand. I'm a solid size 4 right now with a few 6's thrown in depending on brand. LOL. I also worried I'd look older than I did. I do. I won't lie. I've got those smile lines now and I hate them! I see me in pictures and hate my smile/wrinkles. I'm hoping once I have a little bounce back weight some of the wrinkles will disappear.  Here's to hoping!

Ht. 5'2  HW 234/GW 150/LW 128/CW 132 
Size 18/20 to a size 4 in 9 months!

on 2/13/11 12:09 pm, edited 2/13/11 12:10 pm - Hyattsville, MD
it's VERY normal. MOST dont recognize me AT ALL. My dad actually whistled at me trying to hollar when I was waiting on the bus stop as he had drove past Sigh.
I have to reintroduce myself to everyone I knew before surgery.

this is me at 290ish

and me around 127 Sigh..

Babygirl got her surgery March 3rd...     She's from 339 to 200 as of 6/14/2012.. SOO proud of my bigbabygirl                                                                   
Lynn M.
on 2/13/11 3:25 pm - Hartford, CT

I am only at just short of 6 months, however I don't know what I will look like if I reach my goal of 160 because I have never been that size as an adult.  I graduated high school and started college weighing about 220, and I have always carried the weight in such a way that not many people were aware of how much I have weighed.   I look at my junior prom picture where I was just under 200 and I wish I was that small even now.  I still don't totally see the loss but my face is longer and it used to be so round.  I take a photo each month to document the changes in me because other than that I barely see it.  I am a bottom heavy woman so the place where the weight loss is most obvious in a negative way is looking at my thighs.  I see some of the skin that was once filled with fat.  The scariest thing is as big as I was I did not have cellulite thighs and I was a size 30/32 when I weight 380.  Most recently my size jeans are 18 a size I vaguely recall wearing as a teen.




my weight loss is both from the pre-band regimen, lap-band, and gastric bypass
on 2/13/11 8:22 pm - MI
I understand your excitement.   I too did the surgery to be healthier, but am so excited at the thought of being thinner and shopping for clothes in "regular" stores.   I haven't been thin since college years and that was 20 years ago.   I can't imagine in my mind what I will look like.   I think you have a very pretty face and i think it will only get more beautiful and younger as the pounds come off.   Mostly because you are going to feel better about yourself and that will shine through in your smile and outlook.   Best of luck!
Joanne, (RNY 1-25-11)  HW 270, SW 244, CW 159

on 2/13/11 9:23 pm - NC
You all are not alone. I have always been larger. The smallest size I wore was a size 10 pants. I am bottom heavy so I always measure by the pants. The only thing that I thought of before the surgery is that I am not going to be the fat Mom at school anymore. The funny thing is, my kids said that no one saw me that way. I guess I saw it myself. I don't know how I will feel being regular when I visit the kids school. As for me, I'm not sure how small I will get but I don't want to look old. I am concentrating on being healthy and fun. I want my husband and children to enjoy being with me and not having to worry if a activity is too much for me. I can't wait. I am kind of concerned when I read people posting about blockages, gall stones, etc. I don't want to have any more surgeries but I know that can't be prevented. No one said I wouldn't have to have them if I hadn't had this procedure. All in all, I can't wait to see what I look like a year from now.
Height 5'0 HW-247; SW- 238; GW-140  
on 2/13/11 9:50 pm
 Yes, totally.

I was well over 200 lbs by the time I was in Grade 9 (13 years). I have already reached my "wedding weight" and passed it, because I was so heavy then it really was not a hard goal., LOL!

I look in the mirror and can not conjure up an image of myself at 160 lbs (my goal weight). What makes it harder for me to imagine is that all the girls in my family (mom, sister) are heavy too. 

I guess it will have to be a slow process of discovvery for us!
Starting BMI 69 w comorbidities | 55 of the weight lost above was pre-op.    
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