feels like a trial patient!!

Brielle C.
on 3/30/11 7:16 am - pine hill, NJ
So a friend of mine that i referred to my surgeon had her sleeve surgery yesterday and there were sooo many things he had her do for her pre surgery testing that he didnt have me do...he didnt have me do a pre op diet 2wks prior to surgery said that he doesnt do it tht he wants me to be as strong as possible for recovery but had her do a pre op diet! Then when i was discharged from the hosp i was given a huge bag of medicine cups an told to use them as my guide for the clear liquids for the next wk and he sent me home on NO pain meds said I wouldnt need them...she was discharged today an was sent him with percocets and told no medicine cups that they are "boring" and to just use regular cups.. he also told me to have water/crystal light/sf jello and sf ice pops...he told her NO jello for 3wks! I dont understand it at all LOL I know different drs all do their own thing but we have the same dr! Well thanks for listening just needed to vent! I am going to ask him about all the diff things when i see him next!
surg 10/19/10 365lbs
3/29/11 290lbs
Sabrina R.
on 3/30/11 7:28 am - CA
Hmmm.... oh boy! That's good to know that "Jello" is ok! I haven't had my surgery yet! Thanks! I feel like they're just stringing me along, I haven't gotten a date yet. Why does it take so long? There must be ALOT of red tape with Kaiser.

on 3/30/11 9:30 am - Sacramento, CA

I had surgery in Richmond Kaiser.  It did not take that long.  What are they saying? 

on 3/30/11 7:35 am - holt, MO
 Sounds like he is trying to align hiself with the other surgeons.

I had to diet for three months, water fast for two weeks, but I started solid food sooner than anyone else I know of post op.

Everyone is diff including doctors- oh and insurance may have forced to make the changes.
on 3/30/11 7:37 am - Beverly Hills, CA
You're doing your thing regardless, keep up the good work.
Be Blessed            
on 3/30/11 7:37 am - Germany
 hmm how odd I would ask him too.. maybe he changed his mind on a few things.. I had jello that lasted about 3 days I was tired of it haha.. 

GW 1: 200 COMPLETED! 193-Feb 15th 2011
GW 2: 160 COMPLETED! 160-May 12th 2011
GW 3: 140 COMPLETED! 140-June 17th 2011
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Sabrina R.
on 3/30/11 12:45 pm - CA
I had 12 weeks of nut classes, then xrays, ekg and ultrasound for my gallbladder, and everythings at Kaiser, and now they say it'll be another 2 weeks to get assigned a surgeon. THEN I get to see him, then I hear, get another blood test, then the surgeon will call me with a date. :\
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