Weigh less today than I ever have since adulthood

on 7/15/11 4:26 am - CA
Got on the scale this morning and it said 219. This is the first time in 26 years I have been down this low so it is quite exciting. Also I've been going swimming (laps) at gym at least once a week and I am amazed at how it is firming up that underarm sway that I thought would never go away! I was sure I'd require surgery to get rid of batwings. Lol. Other than the gym 1-2 times a week I haven't been getting in much exercise. I work a hectic schedule on salary (also always on-call) and I just seldom make time for working out but the pool feels like leisure and relaxes me, not like a chore so its easier to get myself to the gym for that. I try to do the eliptical for 5-10 min, and the bike for 10 before I swim and work in a few crunches with a 50 lb weight every other trip to In Shape. I just love my sleeve. I could never have done this without surgery. Best gift I could ever have given myself. We are leaving on vacation to Oregon/Washington in 3 weeks and I am hiking up a trail to see the highes****erfall in the U.S. with my husband-something else I could not have easily done with the extra 40 lbs on me. I am getting to do stuff today with just the 40 lbs gone that I would not have done for the last 10 years.
Nicole S.
on 7/15/11 4:58 am - Vallejo, CA
WTG!! Congrats!!  Enjoy your vacation and the beautiful hike
Height 5'1 HW- 320 SW-265 CW- 172.2 GW 140                                
Ms. Poker Face
on 7/15/11 7:12 am
Awesome!!  Keep workin' that sleeve!


5'5"    Goal reached, but fighting regain.  Back to Basics.
Start Weight 246    Goal Weight 160    Current Weight 183

Starting size: 22, 2x
Current size: 12, L


on 7/15/11 7:13 am
How awesome for you .. what an amazing accomplishment!  Go you!
  SW 253 Surgery Date July 5th, 2011
on 7/15/11 9:02 am - WI
How exciting is that!!!    I just noticed that you had your surgery the same day as me and Im right with you on the amount of weight lost.   I started out heavier than you and cant wait to get to the size you are now.

on 7/15/11 12:50 pm
Congrats and keep up the great work!
on 7/15/11 2:20 pm - Lincoln, NE
Great SV and workout dedication ethic. Keep it up!
Rich Sonderegger
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