
on 5/31/12 3:43 am
VSG on 06/25/12
Did anyone else find that as they got closer to their surgery date they started nesting?  I remember going through it before childbirth.  Suddenly everything in my house had to be in order, a place for everything and everything needed a place...massive purging and cleaning.  Since having the little guy 18 months ago, chaos has pretty muched reigned in my home since then but all of a sudden I can't take it.  I'm coming home at lunch and cleaning, organizing, throwing stuff away and trying to get things in order.  I just finished my lunch break and spent most of it cleaning out our junk drawer in the kitchen.  Anyone else go through this or am I just a freak?
on 5/31/12 3:54 am - Raleigh, NC
I did the same exact thing.  Everything had to be taken care of and in place before my surgery.  Fortunately I have a roommate who was thrilled with my desire to have everything in it's place (she's OCD) and clean.   I also had to make sure the same thing was done at work and even went so far as to type out what would need to be done while I was out.

You're completely normal.  :)
on 5/31/12 4:13 am
I pretty much spring cleaned my house because I knew I was going to be out of commission for a while.




Donna B.
on 5/31/12 4:30 am
Yes, i did the same thing -- i made sure everything was spic-and-span inside and out of the house and everything was neat.  I even updated my will.  Took care of all loose ends.

 55 y.o.    5'4"      HW: 180's      CW: 127      Doctor's GW: 130           My GW:  117        
  ~ working on reaching goal again after regain            


on 5/31/12 5:38 am - NC
Surgery is bringing company, so I have to get beds ready, do a bit of childproofing, etc.  I've definitely been more housework-oriented than is my usual nature.
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