Logically, I get it...Emotionally, so frustrated!

on 9/1/12 7:35 am - Des Moines, IA
VSG on 08/13/12
Hello...frustration coming in this post! :)

I've read enough posts to "get it" about the scale not moving and not to weigh every day. I had a LapBand for 4.5 years, and I know through that journey that things take time. BUT STILL!!! I'm three weeks out on Monday, and I want the scale to move! 

I don't remember my surgery weight. Well, at the hospital, it was 279. But my home scale was less than that, and since I use my home scale, I set my surgery weight at 275 as a measure to go by at home.

First week post-op, I dropped 10 lbs. Had to wait 5 more days to see another drop, 5 lbs more in 2 days at not quite 2 week mark. I immediately regained 1.5 of that within 2 days, which put me at 261.5 at 2 weeks out. After a few more days of nothing, I finally lost 3, but it was back the next day. I'm still at 261.5.

Three weeks ago today, I began the pre-op liquid diet. I know the loss, which is about 13.5 after all the ups and downs, should be welcomed. If on my own, I'd be ecstatic. But with an effort at weight loss of this magnitude, I expected more, especially at first.

I am completely on target with eating, protein (60-70/day), water (8-12 c/day) and vitamins. I do not have a calorie level from my surgeon, just the allowed foods for pureed stage (I move to soft foods on Sept 5), and I have a suggested daily meal plan. I follow that as a guide of how much to eat and when. 

I log everything in MFP. I started this the Saturday after my Monday surgery.

I have 2-4 oz at breakfast. I have @4 oz at lunch. I have @4 oz at dinner. I have 1-2 protein shakes a day. Sometimes instead of a shake, I have a protein latte.

I love water and drink it frequently and easily. Sometimes I have Crystal Light raspberry or tea. I have iced coffee sometimes, LF half and half, sweet n low. 

I've only forgotten my morning multi-vitamin once and my B-12 once, and usually because my routine changed and I wasn't organized while getting used to new routine. I take the Bariatric Advantage chewy calcium, 4 per day, 2 after lunch and 2 after dinner.

Sometimes, I have my evening shake kind of late, like 9 pm.

I have only started exercising the last few days, and that's riding exercise bike. (It's been 90s here, too hot for being out, IMO!) I did only 10 min at first, but did 25 min yesterday.

I know the loss will come...but I want it now. Just a sign, a pittance, enough of a movement to know not to worry. Being post-band (removed in May), maybe loss is coming more slowly? My surgeon also said it could be that I don't have the inheren****er weight loss that many have, since I had loss already from the Band and didn't regain all that, just some.

Ok, that's all. I was so hopeful today's scale would be different because, honestly, I drank a lot of water and coffee yesterday (dr said coffee is ok by him, it's a diuretic even), that I peed up a storm and thought it would be a loss today. Nope, no loss. Still 261.5. So, that's why I had to rant. Off the soapbox now. LOL
on 9/1/12 7:43 am
VSG on 03/29/12
Your loss so far is great Keep in mind that your body is adjusting and healing from major surgery. I have heard before that we are not fully healed until we are about 6 months out. It takes that long because what we did was that big of a deal.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you may be experiencing a stall, and that is perfectly normal. When I stall, my weight bounces around like crazy. It's annoying, but when it breaks, I pretty much lose consistently again.

Also, a lot of people find that the scale doesn't go straight down. It may go up and down and back up, but as long as the general trend is in the right direction, this is no cause for concern. Water weight, constipation, hormonal issues, and many other factors that the scale doesn't pick up on affect what that scale says, and we can't always control all of those things. As long as you are doing what you're supposed to do, it really will come off.

You mention 2-4 oz of food at each meal... but what kinds of food? When I was 3 weeks out, I could not have eaten 4 oz of anything solid.

Highest weight: 277 Starting Weight: 250  Surgery Weight: 241  Current Weight: 130

Goal Reached in 10.5 months :)


on 9/1/12 7:57 am - Des Moines, IA
VSG on 08/13/12
 Thanks for your answer! All things I think of .... logically! lol

As to food, I'm having Egg Beaters, smashed boiled egg, the famous Ricotta Bake, Egg Face's no-tortilla enchiladas which are soft, refried beans with shredded mozz and taco sauce, cream soup, greek yogurt, oatmeal once, smoothies with protein powder, ice and skim milk. That's literally what I rotate! :)
on 9/1/12 8:00 am
VSG on 03/29/12
Gotcha :)

Sounds like you'e doing great.  My three-week-stall lasted a little over two weeks, FYI.  I have heard some say theirs lasted a little longer.  It'll  be worth it though, when it ends.  You'll be there before you know it.

Highest weight: 277 Starting Weight: 250  Surgery Weight: 241  Current Weight: 130

Goal Reached in 10.5 months :)


on 9/1/12 11:26 am - NY
VSG on 08/29/12
 Can you share the famous ricotta bake? Sounds like something I would like. 
on 9/1/12 11:30 am
VSG on 03/29/12
Pretty sure she's referring to Eggface's recipe.  If you google Eggface ricotta bake, the recipe should come right up :)

Highest weight: 277 Starting Weight: 250  Surgery Weight: 241  Current Weight: 130

Goal Reached in 10.5 months :)


on 9/1/12 11:41 am - NY
VSG on 08/29/12
 Thanks. I'll try that now
on 9/1/12 2:35 pm - Des Moines, IA
VSG on 08/13/12
 Yep, that's the one...sooo good! I ate it for days. :)
on 9/1/12 7:55 am - NJ
VSG on 08/13/12
We had surgery on the same day. I was 192 day of surgery today im 180 thats only 12 lbs. Im guessing u are right where your supposed to be....we have to be patient !!! your doing great!
on 9/1/12 8:03 am - Des Moines, IA
VSG on 08/13/12
 Thanks! I weigh so much more than you and have only lost a couple of pounds more though...see what I mean? LOL  It's frustrating! 
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