Need some encouragement BIG TIME!

on 5/21/13 11:07 am

First and foremost, if you even think about bashing please just move on.  I'm looking for encouragement and suggestions NOT bashing. 

I had VSG last July.  I have lost 62.  I stopped losing in November and it's nobody's fault but my own.  I have horrible cravings for carbs and junk food and NO self control.  I have asked my family to keep the crap I crave out of the house (cookies and ice cream) and they did for a while but it's back again. If it's here I eat it.  The problem isn't with the actual meals at all...itt's the random crap through the day (Cookie here, cookie there, mini reese cup there)  I did the 5 day pouch test and did great and was very encouraged but after a week I was right back to where I started.  I haven't GAINED but I just STOPPED losing.  I'm coming up on my year and I'm nowhere near where I hoped I'd be and I fear it's hopeless and this is as good as it gets for me.  

Has anyone else done this and pushed past it and actually lost more?  Any suggestions on how to stop these damn carb cravings, gain control and get back on track?  I wake up every morning and swear that today is the day and by mid afternoon it's out the window. I just feel like a total piece of crap.

on 5/21/13 11:26 am

I truly feel your pain. I quit losing at the 10th month mark . Also have not gained but I quit losing. Have lost very little in the last 4.5 months. I believe we can get back on track and start losing again. My surgeon says you can lose up to 18-24 months. One nurse stalled for 3 months  and then started losing again. Another nurse had bypass she quit losing for 5 months and started losing again- so it is possible. You have to get back on plan, exercise, water, protein and measure. I tell everyone this surgery is not a cure, only a tool. The sleeve is not a get out of being overweight card but a tool. It is up to us and how we use this tool! Carbs have to be detoxed to help stop the cravings. I have never been a fast loser and will have to work at this for life. Get motivated , find a good support team an exercise partner, whatever it takes! Good luck.

on 5/21/13 11:41 am - NJ
VSG on 03/26/13

I'm still a newbie, but I just wanted to say I 100% believe you can get back on track and do this!  Try and find that initial resolve that you had before surgery.  If you detox from carbs (by cutting them out 100% until you can get back under control), fill up on dense protein and drink tons of water, you will kick start that scale again, I'm sure.

Good luck!

Jenn   Highest weight: 278. Starting weight: 275. Surgery weight: 253. Month 1: 25 lbs. Month 2: 8.8 lbs. Month 3: 12.6 lbs. Month 4: 7 lbs. Onederland 7/29/2013. Month 5: 7 lbs. Month 6: 5 lbs. Months 7-9: self-induced maintenance, then 5 lb gain.




on 5/21/13 11:52 am - Durango, CO
Yes! Me!!! I lost 78 lbs and then around my 2 year mark I started gaining. When I got up to the 25 lb mark I knew that something HAD to be done. I do not want to go back to where I was 3 years ago! I reminded myself that I AM a weight loss surgery patient and NEED/WANT to be compliant so I am finally successful getting to goal. I was like you, cookie here, cookie there. I was in total denial that it was reversing my progress. I paid no attention to my calorie intake for about a year. A little over two weeks ago I finally had enough and decided to just get back to the basics. I am already down 8 lbs and feeling good about things again. I guarantee - if you just take those first steps and start losing again you will inspire yourself! If you need help getting started again just PM me and I will be glad to help you get going. I have learned a lot of things along the way and have some ideas to help get you back on track. I know what that feeling like a total piece of crap feels like - it sucks! But you can turn that around!

Bichon Mom2 Oval Sticker

on 5/21/13 1:49 pm

I remember you Sue from when I first got my VSG....we are only one week apart on our surgeries .....I got off track and you mentioned that you have ideas to help get this under control....can you PM me with those ideas....I really need help.  I tried to PM you but for some reason the site would not let me.  thanks..


             I have missed too many dances in my life now it is time to start living
5' 1"

VSG on 06/12/13

Are you working with a therapist? Is there an underlying reason that is preventing you from achieving your full potential and success?


Sleeved 6/12/13 - 100 pounds lost to get to goal!

on 5/21/13 12:30 pm

For me, cravings are related to carb consumption.  If I eat carbs, it triggers cravings and it is very difficult to control.  So I "detox" from carbs which takes enormous will power for a few days, and I'm ok again.  I know I cannot handle carbs.  Right now I hope I never eat a cookie or cake or chips again.  

Could you try keeping your carbs really low for a few weeks and see if the cravings fade?  I was helpless dealing with my cravings before I realized the connection to carbs for me.

I wish you the best in turning this around.  We've all been there at one time or another.

best wishes,



Surgery May 1, 2013. Starting Weight 385,  Surgery Weight 333,  Current Weight 160.  At GOAL!

Weight loss Pre-op 1-20 2-17 3-15 Post-op 1-20 2-18 3-15 4-14 5-16 6-11 7-12  8-8

                  9-11 10-7 11-7 12-7 13-8 14-6 15-3 16-7 17-3  18-3


on 5/21/13 12:33 pm

Sister I am right there with fact I posted something on this just a few days ago----I need to get my mojo back too.  It hard when you do so well and you feel so great about yourself just to fall victim to some of the same issues that got us there in the first place.  All you can really do is keep keep trying....I really think that you will be able to do it!!!!



HW:  318  SW:  271

on 5/21/13 1:08 pm - Garner, NC
I could use some encouragement! I lost all my weight in the first six months. I was 10 pounds away from my goal. Went to see the NUT. I think that was a mistake. She told me I needed to up my calories and eat more carbs. No more loss once I started doing that, but I maintained for a year. Then my neurologist changed my antidepressant, to help my migraines, and I gained 14 pounds! I am off that drug, but am really struggling not to gain any more, I have gained and lost another 5 pounds, it scares the crap out of me,

I struggle with depression, so I tend to see myself as a failure. I really want to get that weight back off, and I can't seem to remembers how I got by on so few calories, I still have restriction. I have been eating carbs, and I'm trying to convince myself that I don't need them, but since I am weak and a failure, I eat them anyhow.

So tell me what kind of lecture you gave yourself to get back on track. I had wanted to work out and get in shape, but the depression keeps me in the house.

And don't believe the ticker thing about my weight. I haven't changed it to show my weight gain, too depressing.

Approved 8-1-11, Surgery 8-22-11  SW 231, Goal 140, CW 165


on 5/23/13 10:28 am

I am in the same boat with depression as well.  I have been for years and I truly believe that taking antidepressants is where my weight gain started to begin with.   I am terrified for my doctor to make any medication changes for the same reasons and I think I'm long overdue for those changes. :(   

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