Revision help

on 9/11/11 4:03 am
Hello everyone.  I am a new user but have been stalking the website for quite some time.  I am on here to get the hoenst opinions and stories from those of you that have had both success and potential failure with the gastric bypass as well as the sleeve.  I am a lap-band patient about 2 years out.  I had my surgery after some serious thought and there was minimal success.  There was no mechanical failure, just slow to minimal weight-loss from the surgical date onward.  There were periods of success and periods of massive frustration.  I am well supported by my wife who herself has had the gastric bypasss several years before I ever met her.  She was extremely successful and is inspirational for me to be here.  I am wondering what people's experiences were with the sleeve as well as the bypass.  They are both obviously big decisions to make but I am having difficulty deciding.  I am an emotional eater with a very stressful job that does not always allow me to take scheduled meals.  Any feedback would be very helpful.  I would love to know specifics- troubles after surgery, weight loss totals, complications, and successes of course.  Thank you
on 9/11/11 4:49 am - BF-Nowhere, United Kingdom
It is a good idea to drop by and pick our collective brains.  I have the VSG component as part of my surgery (I've had the Duodenal Switch) and noticed a few things:

1. I had NO appetite until about 10 months out from surgery
2. I had no pressured thinking about food, I'm assuming this has lots to do with losing all that gerlin (hunger hormone) that went into the bin along with the outer curvature of my stomach.
3. I had shocking reflux for the first four months and needed losec (prisolec I think you guys call it) in large doses for a year.

I work with a girl who had a gastric bypass three months after my Ds and she has lost only a quarter of her weight where as I've lost all of my excess weight and then some.

All surgery requires vitamin supplementation including the VSG.  It is imperative you factor this in when planning your surgery.  You need to be able to live well with your choices.

If you have a high BMI then I strongly recommend you also look over at the Duodenal Switch Forum for a wider range of options.

RIP Mickie aka Happychick.  You will be missed deeply.
Emily F.
on 9/11/11 8:45 am
Please check out all 4 surgeries and visit the revisions board.

Good luck.
on 9/11/11 2:52 pm - Athens, GA

Brock as you know, VSG and RNY are both good WLS's. Statistically DS is the most effective though. Just get rid of the CRAP-BAND and have one of the other 3 and you'll do much better!


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