on 4/3/12 10:47 pm - Providence, RI
So I have had a bunch of problems with my bypass but thank god I have still lost 158# in 18 months and I am very happy. I need to start working out slowly I would like to start walking or zumba. I have some mobility issues so I will start in the privacy of my own home. Any one have any ideas on workout / walking DVDs or wii/xbox 360 games that will help? thanks in advance 
on 4/3/12 11:11 pm
 I worked out on my kids WII until I felt comfortable going outside...Try WII fit plus, it has a variety of low impact workout stuff!
on 4/3/12 11:31 pm - Lexington, KY
Revision on 03/28/12
If you have a Wii console, an internet connection and a Netflix subscription, then you can find all sorts of videos through that.  The Netflix subscritption is only $8 a month and you can get more than just exercise videos out of the deal.  Good luck!

<-------Pharmacist  I can answer general questions, but for more serious questions always ask your surgeon.


on 4/3/12 11:59 pm - NY
Well, I work out at home every morning with the following: 

Wii Active - I do just the Tennis for 35 to 55 minutes and I can burn 446cal or more than 700cal
Wii Zumba
Zumba DVD - Basic & 20 minute Express (I took from my sister)
Billy Blank - PT 24/7 DVD (Basic - Boxing and kicks/30 minutes)
I also have the Just Dance II & III

But the best thing I have to work out at home is my Total Gym - purchased it off QVC for $200 dollars
(I do a very basic 6 to 8 minute work out) At night I may just workout for 10 to 15 minutes doing squat and ad cruches.

And currently I had to the gym just to get out of my apartment for an hour and hit the treadmill only.

Good luck!
(deactivated member)
on 4/4/12 1:02 am
Leslie Sansone has a whole variety of good walking videos that range from slower to faster with "gentle jogging"... I love them.... Zumba has DVDs that you can do at home.......
on 4/4/12 5:04 am - Providence, RI
Thank you all so much
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