Hernia Repair

Lori J.
on 10/2/04 12:26 am - Mexia, Tx
I had WLS in Aprill 2001. Since then I have had two additional surgeries to repair ventral hernias and small bowel obstructions. Anyone else had this problem?
Kelly G.
on 10/11/04 12:50 pm - IL
I had hernia surgery and small bowel repair and adhesions. how long did were you in pain and how long were you off before retunring to work if you work. I'm still having pain 3 weeks after surgery but I'm also 15 1/2 weeks pregnant. They wanted me to come back to work next week.
Lori J.
on 10/13/04 11:42 am - Mexia, Tx
Kelly, I have had two surgeries for hernia repair in the last 13 months. Both times I went back to work after two weeks. The last surgery was 9/25/04. I went back to work two days ago. I too have had adhesions and small bowel repair. The surgery prior to this last one took a little longer to recover from. It was that surgery in which I had three feet of small bowel that was displaced repaired along with numerous adhesions. Good luck.
bobby s
on 12/25/04 6:04 am - Central, FL
At my 6-month visit, I found out I have a hernia along my incision line. What all did you have to go through to have this corrected? Why did it take so many surgeries?
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