seriously thinking about revising to the DS

NoMore B.
on 5/22/11 1:24 am
 Agreed.  Make sure to ask any surgeon you consider how many RNY to DS revisions they've done.  A lot of surgeons list revisions, but dont have a ton of experience - or they do LapBand to DS which is an easier surgery.

Also make sure to ask them their version of the DS after the revision.  There are some who will really do an ERNY, and / or leave the RNY pouch and do a DS type configuration of the intestines.  You want to really research and ask when it comes to this.
on 5/22/11 1:44 am - Milwaukee suburb, WI
You strike me as being very well-informed, intelligent, and diligent.  I think you would do very well with the DS.  I don't mean to sound snobby by insinuating that people who aren't those descriptors shouldn't have the surgery, but for those who aren't, they tend to have more complications, particularly long-term with a lack of sound nutritional supplementation inducing health problems.  Those are the people who arguably should not get the DS!  I think you would do very well :)

HW / SW / CW / GW      299 / 287160 / 140     Feb '09 / Mar '09 / Dec '13 /Aug '10          

Appendicitis/Bowel Obstruction Surgery 8/21/10
Beat Hodgkin's Lymphoma!  7/15/2011 - 1/26/2012 

Ran Half-Marathon 10/14/2012

First Pregnancy, Due 8/12/14                             I LOVE MY DS!!!

(deactivated member)
on 5/22/11 6:46 am
Welcome!  You seem like one smart cookie!  You'll do well with DS! 
on 5/22/11 10:56 am - Bridgewater, NJ
Thanks everyone for all of the encouragement (and the compliments).  It seems not so long ago that I was on here (OH) researching about the RNY back in 2002 (I've been a member since then but something got messed up and I had to rejoin a few years ago).  My Mom had been living in FL and had her surgery down there and had done well and I had seen myself following in her footsteps.  I was engaged to be married at the time that I started researching that surgery and made sure to follow all of the advice that I had gotten at that time.  I knew what my letter from the PCP should say (I wrote it for her to sign), I knew the psychologist to see for a quick evaluation that would be sufficient, I got my bloodwork, stocked the house with all of my post op protein supplements - I did not waste any time and concentrated my efforts so as to result in a positive outcome (the quickest approval from my insurance for the surgery and the closest surgery date I could get).  RNY was really "hot!"  There weren't many surgeons yet doing it around the area so the waits were really long for some surgeons - some a year out.  I remember being lucky I only had to wait 3 months - I had it done on December 23 (my surgery only took 45 minutes (I think my surgeon had 6 or 7 people scheduled that day and I was first)  I was released on Xmas Day (great time for a surgery by the way - the hospital was completely empty). 

I remember thinking - this is it!  This will be the last time that I'll be fat!  I'm on my way to THIN!  I followed all the rules.  Exercised like crazy (after all - I was getting ready for my wedding in Sept. 2003 only 9 months later - great motivator!). I lost 100 lbs in a little less than 5 months. I remember plateauing at about 178.  The surgeon explained that maybe that was just my "set" weight (how could that be - I'm 5'6" - the people on Biggest Loser around my height seem to be able to get below that ).  Boy was I disappointed.

I lived with it though, gained and lost with a pregnancy. But then after baby #2, it stopped coming off.  I was hungrier, got more stressed and kept eating.  Not all good choices of course (the weight had to come from somewhere :)) but right after the RnY you could have a little taste and that was enough especially because you got full fast and I risked dumping with too much sugar.

Not sure why I'm rambling but it just feels good to vent to people that UNDERSTAND.  

I've always been a person to collect as much knowledge as I could to make an educated decision.  I finally feel vindicated that the research is showing that it's not in my head.  That damned stoma is stretched as well as my pouch!  No wonder so many people are gaining.  I don't want to continue to produce too much insulin and wear out my pancreas and stay on a road to diabetes (never had it).  I've been luckily healthy through all of this - never had high blood pressure, diabetes, insulin resistance, and many other co-morbidities.  But my luck WILL run out if I don't get this weight off. 

Ok good!  Got that out.  Now...... back to reading.


on 5/23/11 1:01 am - NY
Hi Jen,

I am seeking a revision as well and I have chosen Dr. Roslin.  I went to his seminar on May 18th and I have an appointment to meet with him on May 25th.  After reading the research on RNY weight gain, I am happy to know that I wasn't failing my tool.  I had RNY in 2004 with Dr. Inabnet and lost 122lbs.  I had a baby in 2009 but I haven't been able to lose any of my excess weight, I am currently 80lbs overweight.  I find that I will feel full but and hour so later I am feeling famished plus I am noticing burning in my stomach and I am very gassy.  I will let you know what Dr. Roslin says after my visit on Wednesday.

Emily F.
on 5/22/11 10:29 am
Welcome. I wish you the best on your journey. You definitely sound like you have your act together. It is a major major major surgery rny to ds but sounds like you are prepared and you understand the risks. Welcome!
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