DS Friends - Could you pls connect with RNY poster?

Amy R.
on 6/1/11 6:45 am
Hi everyone,

There is a lady on the RnY board that is over 400lbs, has been faithfully dieting for a year and only lost 30 lbs.  She is now on the pre-op diet for the RnY and not losing any weight.  It sounds like her metabolism is truly compromised.  My understanding of the DS is that it helps that situation much more than the RnY and I really want to make sure this woman understands all of her options.  I posted a suggestion that she check into the DS (for which I'll likely get flamed by my RnY buddies) because I am really concerned that the RnY is not going to do much for her.

Would some of  you guys mind checking in with her?  I realize she is close to her surgery, but just want to make sure she understands the  DS before she goes under the RnY knife.  IDK, it just seems to me from reading her post that the RnY  is going to be a disappointment for her.

Anywho, you guys are the experts - maybe I'm reading her wrong, but I would feel better if you all took a look at least and maybe contacted her if you think I'm correct.

Here is the thread:

http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/rny/4394235/Frustrated-Nee d-Reassurance/#36324688

Thanks, it feels weird to be kind of pushing the DS because I'm happy with my surgery, but I do believe that each surgery is right for a specific population (excepting the band) and would just feel better if you guys either popped in or PM'd her.
on 6/1/11 9:11 am - bay area, CA
I do think you're correct, and several of us have chimed in. I get the feeling that she is set on her present plan, but you never know.
     Thanks for having the guts to respond to her, and to get us involved.

(deactivated member)
on 6/1/11 9:19 am
I just responded to her. As someone who started this WLS thing at 400+ pounds. I thought I should share with her. I hope she realizes that the RNY will probably not do the trick. BUT, to each their own.

All you can do is educate and hope for the best.

Tammy G.
on 6/1/11 9:42 am
RNY on 06/16/11 with
 I really appreciate all of your concern.  I've had the fear that the RNY won't work.  I'm not sure how to go about trying to change to the DS.  I'm going to do some research and see what I can find out.
on 6/1/11 9:54 am - bay area, CA
Tammy, you brave soul, you! I underestimated you.
     The real difficulty at this point isn't the logistics of changing surgeons and surgery, it's the challenge of changing your mindset after having a specific goal and endpoint for so long and working so hard to get there. 
     Keep on reading here, and on dsfacts.com. If you want, I will send you some articles documenting the excellent longterm results of the DS for not just for weight loss, but also for resolution of comorbidities and nutritional health. Just let me know.
      Dr. Stewart in Denton, TX seems to be the go-to guy for the DS in Texas. I don't know whether or not he accepts Medicaid. There is a list of vetted DS surgeons at dsfacts.com to get you started. If you do decide on the DS, you should be able to transfer all your clearances, psych eval, etc etc to your new surgeon.
    Whatever you decide, it's important for every patient to walk into the operating room confident of her or her decision. Not that people aren't nervous, most are, but still, confident. I don't think you're at that point now, but with some more research, you will get there.

Julie R.
on 6/1/11 10:55 am - Ludington, MI
 Welcome, Tammy.
You are in good company.   Many of us, myself included, were scheduled to have the RNY and changed to the DS.   There are several people on these boards who started out with pretty high BMI's.    Some don't check in every day, so you might want to try to contact one or two for added support.    Kilaani (her screen name, or Jill), is one of the best examples.   She is perhaps seven years out, has done REALLY well (I think she is now in the 140's) and started out well into the 400's.     Our little Jessy, who had the DS at age 17 and had a BMI in the 100's is also doing very well.    BIgGeekGirl is another great DS'er who started out up there.

As Larra said, the only major shift you need to make is your mindset.   Don't be afraid of "offending" your RNY doc.    He will quickly find someone else to fill the spot in his surgical schedule.   Our motto around here is "think twice, cut once."  RNY to DS revisions are extremely risky procedures, and you stand the best chance of succeeding in this weight loss journey if you start out with the proper procedure to begin with.   On a personal note, I work with four individuals who have had WLS, myself included.    Two have had RNY, two have had DS.     Both of the RNY'ers have regained very significant amounts of weight, one is probably up to her pre-op weight.  The two RNY'ers had the same surgeon.    The other DS'er and myself?   Aside from a small rebound of approximately ten pounds, we've maintained beautifuilly.
Julie R - Ludington, Michigan
Duodenal Switch 08/09/06 - Dr. Paul Kemmeter, Grand Rapids, Michigan
HW: 282 - 5'4"
SW: 268
GW: 135
CW: 125

Elizabeth N.
on 6/1/11 11:04 pm - Burlington County, NJ
Hi and welcome! GOOD FOR YOU for listening and being willing to rethink .

You will have to change surgeons for the DS. Your present surgeon will fuss loudly and will try to talk you out of it by telling you how icky and dangerous the DS is. Remember, he is a salesman who will lose a sale if you change. This is about his pocket and NOT your best interests for him. You are considering leaving the Toyota dealership and going to the Lexus dealership. Try to remember that analogy if he tries to terrify you about the DS, okay?

I'd like to invite you to read my profile. I started out at 400 lbs. and dying of pulmonary hypertension and right heart failure. I was a PCOS poster child, not to mention the effects of MANY restrictive diets starting in second grade. I know all about metabolism shot to hell and about how the DS has given me a new lease on life in that regard (as well as every other regard).

on 6/2/11 1:28 am - IA
I am so happy that you came on over to the DS forum and have begun researching the DS.  From reading your post is sure sounds as if your metabolism is shot all to hell!  SO PLEASE stop beating yourself up for not being able to lose weight - it is NOT your failure but your body.

I was also on track for an RNY.  What I did to switch was:
1.  Called my insurance to make sure that the DS was covered.
2.  Found the closest in-network DS surgeon and called him to start the process
3.  Put in a request for my medical records from my pcp and former surgeon (and anyone else you think you might need records from).  I made it a "personal" request so that they would come to me.  And that way was out of the hands of of someone else and you knew right away if your request was taken care of or not.  I also made a copy of them before sending along a copy to my new surgeon.
4.  I read
www.dsfacts.com in its entirety.

Good luck!  All of my pre-op testing transferred from the old surgeon to the new one, FYI.
on 6/2/11 9:55 am - Jackson, MI
Hi Tammy,  I completely understand your reasons for wanting the DS, yet at the same time I also understand your reasons for planning to go ahead with the RNY.  I have to agree with the other posters that you would prob be best off with the DS because you will still be able to take NSAIDS.  

Another option, I have not seen anyone mention is the VSG aka sleeve.  You will keep your pyloric valve intact and will still be able to take NSAIDS....and this is the first half of the DS!  If you should need a revision later you will be half way there   At least that way you will be able to get most of the weight off and maybe in a few years there may be more surgeons in your area and/or insurance changes that you can benefit from.   A couple of years ago I was going to get the RNY, but things happened with my former insurance and I never had surgery.  Here I am a few years later, with even more health issues (including RA, SLE, PCOS, etc.) planning to have WLS again, however this time I am better informed.  

After seeing people in my personal life and here on the forum that have had negative experiences with the RNY I am so thankful I had to wait...even though I still can't wait to get the DS!  lol  I just saw how sick all 3 of my personal RNY friends have become and it scares me.  What scares me even more is how all 3 of them have told me not to have WLS because they do not understand the difference between the RNY and DS.  

I admit looking at my "thin" RNY friends and wanting to be "thin" because of the "healthy" stereo type attached to being "thin"...and feeling like they were just being selfish and wanted me to stay "fat" when they would tell me not to have WLS.  So, I started paying closer attention to the health issues they were experiencing and realized they all traded one set of health issues for another.  I know that is possible with the DS too IF I do not take my supplements correctly and follow up with my labs, I could develop the same issues...but at least I know I will still be able to take meds I need.
  Ultimately the decision is yours alone, but I think the people here are trying to help you avoid a potential fail or possible revision later.  Whatever you decide may you have the procedure that will be best for you.  

Finally there is also the possibility of looking into a grant from the WLSFA (Weight Loss Surgery Foundation of America) that will help cover the cost.  To my knowledge they have not selected grant applicants this year, so you may want to look into it.  Here is the website link:  http://www.wlsfa.org./

Good Luck!

Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is.  
highest weight 313/ surgery 255 / current 185 / goal 135  Height 5'6"
Tammy G.
on 6/1/11 10:13 am
RNY on 06/16/11 with
 After reading about DS just for 30 minutes, I am convinced I need to make some calls tomorrow.  I don't know how to go about switching all this up, transferring records, etc., but I need to make sure I am on the right track NOW.  

As I said on my post on the RNY board, my greatest concern was that I HAVE changed my eating habits.  I eat healthier than anyone I know.  I am diligent in taking supplements.  I log every morsel that passes between my lips and rarely do I indulge above 1500 calories a day, with an average of 1100.  I have health problems that limit my ability to exercise vigorously.  I have severe rheumatoid arthritis and take several medications for that.  With all I've done, I am repeatedly disappointed that the scale barely moves.  

I can't have an RNY and not lose weight.  It is not an option.  

I am so upset, but I am determined to do what is right with me.  I don't know why I didn't research the DS more.  I had asked Dr. Faulkenberry which surgery was the best for me and he said RNY.  Of course he doesn't do DS, so he isn't going to recommend that to me.

What really struck me is that on the RNY the estimated weight loss for someone my size is maybe 60%.  The DS says 80-100%.

Another red flag that I had shoved to the back of my mind was the amount of medications I take.  I had questioned Dr. F about that and he told me that I would do what I had to do, crushing most of my meds that aren't available in liquid or chewable form.  I don't want to end up with ulcers or other gastric problems because I chose the wrong surgery and continued to take harsh meds.

How do I start?
