Debbie D.
on 8/4/06 5:19 pm - Chelan, WA
UPDATE: I spoke to Pam's daughter Rodleen just now. Pam took her first steps tonight. She also ate spoonfuls of juice. Her family is not sure how long they will keep her. Rodleen said that on the first night after surgery, Pam was given so much morphine that they couldn't wake her up. Her family was very concerned about this. Pam is still on oxygen now with tubes in her nose instead of down her throat. She is still being closely watched in ICU. Her family has read some of the e-mails to her. They are saving them for her to read when she is up to it. She has been very sleepy from the meds. She has complained about her back pain and siatic nerve pain more than the pain in her tummy. I wanted to get a update posted tonight for everyone because I won't be here tomorrow to let you know. I feel that I need to pay a visit to Pam and her family tomorrow. So my fiance Dan, and our youngest daughter, Courtney and I are going to drive the 3 1/2 hours to go visit Pam and her family. Her family is very excited as we are to. It will be our first time meeting Pam and her family. I feel that I need to bring her a angel pin and place it on her gown over her heart. There is a story behind another angel pin that I gave to my fiance's cousin who wasn't expected to live. That guardian angel pin and the power of prayers gave cousin Terry a miracle. We are also bringing Pam a angel wind chime to put in her garden. That way whenever she hears the wind blowing the chimes, she'll know angels will always be there with her. We have a few other things for her and for her daughter along with a very well drawn picture my youngest daughter Courtney drew for Pam. I will post again either Saturday night or Sunday. Please keep up the prayers and e-mails to Pam! Thank you so much! Debbie Pam's Profile: http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/members/profile.php?N=J1020737969 Hospital e-mail to PAM GIECEK: https://www.overlakehospital.org/patientsvisitors/sendemail/default.aspx
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