Hello.. I'm Rhonda

on 6/25/07 11:54 pm - ALEXANDRIA, KY
My history is in my profile.. I'm struggling today.. with alot of issues on my plate.. and not WLS either.. I could really use some support and cyber-hugs.. it's been a long hinnie week. Thanks..
Proud Military Mom
on 6/26/07 12:17 am - Reno, NV
HUGS... Email me if you need someone to talk too... I went through some of the things you have with my ex so I do know how your feeling.. Love you Rhondie...
on 6/26/07 12:28 am - ALEXANDRIA, KY
thank YOU Debbie.. I will probably do that.. at some point here.. at this point I'm just kinda numb as to how I feel and want to handle it.. you can read my post on the ADDICTIONS BOARD.. it summed it up yesterday.. of course today is a new day.. new feelings. love YOU
Proud Military Mom
on 6/26/07 12:55 am - Reno, NV
Hang in there and remember you are 100% entitled to your feelings.. Spark and I both are here for you..
on 6/26/07 8:02 am - Reno, NV
Hey sexy! Wanna flirt with a married man? Hubba Hubba! Stand still and I'll pee on your leg too! I'm doing that ya know. It's suposed to be my job! Kellee keeps chasing me around with the mop though! Dang it!
on 6/26/07 12:30 am - ALEXANDRIA, KY
btw.. how is the fire in Tahoe.. I've not looked at the site you posted the other day..??
Proud Military Mom
on 6/26/07 12:58 am - Reno, NV
They are hoping to have contained by Sunday.. its pretty huge though and thousands of acres are gone now.. My friend lost his home but he said its not that it can't be rebuild, it was his family home, his grandparents built the home.. its more sentimental than anything.. Luckily we are far enough away we are just getting smoked out..
on 6/26/07 2:54 am - Somewhere, Uzbekistan
Proud Military Mom
on 6/26/07 3:11 am - Reno, NV
There's my sexy Beeyach...
on 6/26/07 5:43 am - ALEXANDRIA, KY
did you see this past post (blast from the past).. that I posted yesterday to Annie.. it's cute.. http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/wls_singles/postdetail/8903.html?vc=0
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