Rhonda, you missed the floor show last night...

Chris N.
on 6/27/07 2:13 am
For those that don't know....last night Rhonda came to my surgeon's support group meeting. I thought it was a pretty good meeting all about grazing and how all those little bites throughout the day can add up to a lot of calories. Anyway, Rhonda....after you left, I was out in the parking lot talking to a friend. We talked for quite a while when I started feeling funny. I'm not COMPLETELY sure of the rest of what happened....since I ended up passing out cold in the parking lot. Yep...it was one of my finer moments. It seems that once I 'came to', I was very obstinate and refused to let her help me. I insisted I was fine and insisted on getting in my car and driving home. I remember snapping out of it after I was part way home. Kathy called me at home later to ask how I was and told me all that had really happened since I didn't really remember much. It seems I fell face first into a car, bounced off and landed on my back in the parking lot. (If you're gonna do it...might as well make it as dramatic as possible, right?!!) Soooo......I'm home from work today as I was really light-headed this morning and didn't want to do an encore presentation of last night at work. I have an appt. with my PCP this afternoon and I called the surgeon's office to keep them informed. (Dr. S is out of town but I talked to the nurse). Has anyone else had any problems with passing out after WLS? My vitamin levels were just checked last month and they're all fine. My dad checked my blood sugar level last night and it was normal. The only other thing would be blood pressure and I'll get that checked this afternoon. But if that's normal...and I'm getting in all my fluids/protein/vitamins....it's kinda got me worried as to what else it could be. Alrighty....I'm off to shower, shave and put on my good bra for my doc appt. (You never know where he's gonna look! )
on 6/27/07 2:23 am - ALEXANDRIA, KY
] OMG.. thank goodness you are okay.. and understand the passing out and not wanting help.. seems you are embarrassed and want to just go.. years ago when dieting I had passing out spells. I've felt like passing out before since WLS but haven't really unless vodkie induced there was the time.. after binge drinking I went to puke in the toilet at work the next day.. opened the stall.. went on my knees and hit chin on toilet rim.. you know the part that men dribble on.. luckily it was a woman bathroom but still anywho.. for YOU.. you becareful I'm sure your parents are worried.. are they driving you to the doctor.. you kinda act like you felt fine right up to the passing out.. did you not feel like you were going too.. I always did. Did they notice if you were seizing or how long were you out... ?? Keep me posted
Chris N.
on 6/27/07 2:32 am
Eeeuuuuwww.....to the toilet rim!! Yep, the parents are very worried. When I got home and told them what had happened, my mom asked why...since I was in a HOSPITAL parking lot....didn't I just go into the emergency room? My dad, looking very upset, said "GREAT, now we have to take you right back to the ER" Ummmm....NO! Anyway, they made me promise to get in to see a doc today and to not drive if I felt funny. (I didn't tell them I was light-headed today.....shhhhh! My dad is going to go stay with my Grandma this afternoon so my aunt can get out of the house and I didn't want to disrupt all their plans.) I started feeling funny a few minutes before I passed out. I even mentioned that I felt funny and that I was leaving. I knew I needed to sit down and my car was at the very end of the parking lot....so I remember mumbling that I was leaving.....and that was it until I woke up with Kathy standing over me. I wasn't seizing and I wasn't out very long. If I had been.....there's no way Kathy would have let me go. She said I was talking coherently and let me leave. She didn't know that I still felt really out of it and I knew it....but didn't have the awareness to NOT drive. I'll check back in later and let you know what the doc said.
on 6/27/07 2:28 am - Pittsburgh, PA
hahahaha....."good bra".....hahahahhaha
on 6/27/07 2:29 am - ALEXANDRIA, KY
i've got those too.. along with panties..
Chris N.
on 6/27/07 2:34 am
Well, I don't want to wear my leopard print and give him the wrong idea about me. Or the stretched one where my boobs hang to my knees....so I'll wear the demure little pink bra that makes me look all sweet and innocent! And the granny panties to keep up the image!
Tina C.
on 6/27/07 3:23 am - Marysville, OH
kepp us updated on what the doc says..... you musta been scared silly..... my blood sugar goes haywire sometimes for a reason that no one can figure out..... can be anywhere from 47 to 183 in a matter of 10 min or less.... i hope everything goes great for you .....
on 6/27/07 3:32 am - Oklahoma City, OK
Had you eaten in a while? Earlier on in my journey, I would get light headed from lack of food and would get faint, but not go down like you did. It was my blood pressure bottoming and my blood sugar at times. I've learned to keep a glucose tube in my purse for an emergency like that. But yes, you should have went to the ER since it WAS right there. Be careful.
Julie H.
on 6/27/07 3:45 am - Marysville, OH
(HUGS) I hope you feel better Chris... Keep us posted... Julie
on 6/27/07 6:48 am - ALEXANDRIA, KY
CHRIS... ARE YOU PREGNANT have them test you.. do you know who the daddy would be hope you are okay.. you've not posted back to us
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