All aboout me!!!

on 6/27/07 11:40 am - NV
Hi , A little about me and where I'm at with the process.................. Well, after years of thinking about it, I am now FULLY commited to having wls!!! I have chosen a surgeon, went to his seminar, talked to his office staff and the insurance company about the requirements, and seen the doctor (recommended by the surgeon's office) to get started on my required 3 month pre-op diet. I had my first visit with him on Friday and he put me on a 1,000 calorie a day diabetic diet. Even though the surgeon's office, my new PCP, and the insurance rep have all said that I'm not required to lose any weight pre-op, I'm still going to do it! After all, this diet is preparing me for the types of foods I should be eating post-op anyway right?! I'm kinda wild and crazy and all over the place most of the time, but that's just me....people can either take it or leave
on 6/27/07 11:51 am - Smyrna, GA
i am very happy and proud of you....a big took me 3 plus years to jump in and do it and i am the happiest ever with myself (and now have met the men of my dreams too) is the 1K diet going? any suggestions to share...yes, in the long run it will benefit you...i was drinking coke and stopped cold and lost 10 pounds very quickly by just that one you will be you have to show us a pic girlie
on 6/27/07 11:56 am - ALEXANDRIA, KY
.."now have met the men of my dreams .." men.. *tappin foot* you have some splainin' to do Annie..
on 6/27/07 12:19 pm - Smyrna, GA
i am a dork....i have met the MAN of my dreams...NATHAN thee one and only yesterday instead of spelling my name ann i spelled it all i am a dork
on 6/27/07 12:26 pm - ALEXANDRIA, KY
were you writing it.. or typing.. *looking at the keyboard* still not an easily made mistake..
on 6/27/07 9:09 pm - Smyrna, GA
typing it
liz A.
on 6/27/07 12:26 pm
dork. sometimes i spell my name kelleeeeeeeeeeeee.... seriously too many damn e's
on 6/27/07 12:26 pm - ALEXANDRIA, KY
she spells mine Rhondie.. but i LIKE IT
on 6/27/07 9:10 pm - Smyrna, GA
that is on little rhondie
on 6/27/07 7:34 pm - Reno, NV
Hun it comes from kissin squids. Now if you were lip locking with an fly boy you'd be a rocket scientist by now Love ya, Sparky
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