Need some help..

on 6/27/07 10:49 pm - Reno, NV
I have this Social Worker at work that just makes me nuts. He's in his early 60's and is just a goober. He is constantly coming to me about the dumbest thing. We just hired him about 3 months ago and I have been struggling with these feelings ever sense. Now I pretty much like everyone. I guess the only two things I just can't stand are arrogance and constant neediness in a person. You know the kind of neediness that's just clingy? It feels like there are tenticles coming out to grab you and just smother the crap outta ya! It's like having a constant puppy follow you around. Then you feel guilty as hell when you just wanna slap the crap outta the person so they'll leave ya alone? I know I sound horrible and there are time when I feel that way about this. He keeps trying to get me to go out to lunch with him and his buddy, who I have met and is arrogant as hell. I had the excuse of getting my grandson fro mdaycare before now so yesterday I just flat told I don't go out to lunch cause I'm poor and the wife won't give me any money. Then he does stuff like, he had a patient he went out to see and the old guy had guns in the house and apparently told him ( now remember this guy is a social worker, worker in a mental health hospital for 30 years) that he had a plan for doing himself in. Now you'd think he (being the trained social worker) would know exactly what to do? Nope he calls me and says " ah, Bob what do you think I should do". Now I am just the admin weenie there. I am not the boss or anything even resembling the boss and of course the boss is gone (lucky me) so I tell him " Jim I have no idea, you don't know what to do?" He said " well I'm not sure he's really gonna do it and I don't wanna stir up a hornets nest or anything". I told him I would rather call a false alarm than not do anything. (meanwhile thinkin I don't get paid nowhere near enough for this kinda pressure). In the end I hooked him up with a Shrink upstairs and the old guy had to give up his guns. Yesterday they were moving his office and he actually got in a wrestling match with a rolling file that the drawer fell out of. He just couldn't get it back in. Bout drove me over the edge watchin him for 20 minutes fight with the thing so I finally took it away from him and fixed it. So my point is, has anyone else ever had to make themselves be at least civil to someone they work with or know while the whole time they made your skin crawl? I KNOW IT SOUNDS BAD! I know I'm probably going to hell for feeling this way cause he really is a nice guy. I just can't seem to warm up to him. It's like he wants to get too friendly too quick. Just makes me pull back even more. I don't get it. So any advice would be great! Man this is a long post. Jeesh gotta get ready for work. Hugs everyone and have a great day!!! Sparky
on 6/27/07 10:59 pm - Oklahoma City, OK
Bless your heart. You have another man in love with you. Heart throb, you gotta stop throwin' those testosterones towards the dudes. Debby's gonna get jealous. Seriously, I've got numerous employees like that and unfortunately (sometimes) I wonder "why me?" Anyway, I have no answer except to shut him down pretty quickly into his talking and just tell him, "Jim, I hate this, but I'm really swamped and can't talk. Can I catch ya later?" And when you don't catch him later he might get the hint. Then again, I could be wrong. Liz Hey, are you all about to get burned up your way?
on 6/28/07 4:28 am - Reno, NV
Nope he wouldn't get it. I've tried on several occasions to be polite and tell him no. He's just a goober. I guess I'll just tune him out. They are starting to get it under control, well yesterday at least. The winds are killer the last couple of days so that isn't helping. Lukely they are blowing the opposite direction of Reno! Thanks, Sparky
on 6/27/07 11:28 pm - Springfield, IL
I got as far as just a goober, so I am not really sure what you are needing help with! But - maybe some wild passionate sex would help?
on 6/28/07 4:31 am - Reno, NV
Well that always helps no matter what the problem! Maybe I'll find some gal dumber than a box of rocks and get him laid! THAT'S IT PATTI! You are a genius! THANKS!!! Sparky
on 6/28/07 8:09 am - Springfield, IL
I meant YOU - but hey, whatever floats your boat!
on 6/28/07 12:41 am - Pittsburgh, PA
I have a dude in our advertising department, just brought on about 8 months ago, dude is the biggest airhead I've ever met....he's 64 and I personally think he did too many drugs back in his hayday. It takes everything I have not to either tell him to stfu, or tell him to get out of my office. I am clearly not the nicest person to him because I can't deal with flighty-ness too well. It took him 6 months to understand when I transfer a call to him, he can't figure out why his phone is beeping. Pick up the freakin phone num-nuts! I've now learned to get up out of my office go into his office and tell him he has a call. It's just easier. Then I have this other dude down the other end of the hall.....One of the smartest people I know, nicest people I know.....but lazy as a mofo. So lazy he calls me in my office to say, will youput a check in the copier and will you print it out for me? I pay attention to him and his eating habits...he's a full fledge diabetic, and doesn't register on our post office scale that goes up to 450 pounds. It irritates the **** out of me that his lunch consists of a whole pizza, bag of oreo's and a 2 liter of DIET pepsi. His breakfast consists of mcdonalds every single day(no lie) and he snacks on chips and cookies and candy through out the whole day. When I had my surgery, he said I would never get that done, I'm not THAT fat. This is also the same dude we had to take to the hospital 2 years ago because he wasn't breathing properly. It irritates the **** out of me, that his health is for **** and he doesn't care. Bah.....not my problem. I've tried to help him, before I had my surgery we would go on diet competitions for 2 weeks to see who could lose more weight, when he wasn't registering on the scale....there was no fun in the game.
on 6/28/07 4:34 am - Reno, NV
Liz, you're just not bein clear enough here for me! You are too funny! Ya need to come work for the VA! Talk about a bunch of dip****s in the same bldg! Most are nice but being the Feds most would not be able to work on the outside and stay employed anyway! Thanks for the laugh darlin! You killed me
on 6/28/07 1:35 am - ALEXANDRIA, KY
vent away BOB.. I'm all eyes.. do you feel better now hugs
on 6/28/07 4:35 am - Reno, NV
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