on 2/19/09 8:33 am - ALEXANDRIA, KY
Per an email I realize how much these posting mean to some.  Sorry I've slacked the past couple days.. and I thank YOU so much for making me aware of it.  It helps keep me sober.

When a person says something rash or ugly, we sometimes say they are "forgetting themselves," meaning they're forgetting their BEST selves in a sudden outburst of uncontrolled fury.  If I remember the kind of person I want to be, hopefully I won't "forget myself" and yield to a fit of temper.  I'll believe that the positive always defeats the negative: courage overcomes fear; patience overcomes anger and irritability; love overcomes hatred.  AM I ALWAYS STRIVING FOR IMPROVEMENT?

Today I ask that God, to Whom all things are possible, help me turn negatives into positives--anger into super-energy, fear into a chance to be courageous, hatred into love.  May I take time out to remember examples of such positive-from-negative transformations from the whole of my lifetime.  Uppermost is God's miracle: my freedom from the slavery of addiction.

Turn negatives into positives.

.. yesterday I became mad.. frustrated at a cowork who is also a friend over something she did/said.  I then said something out of haste to just be spiteful.  It bothered me the remainder of the day and last night altho I was still angry.  This morning when I went in she was there.  I said Hi.. and we talked very casual cold.  I then told her..   I want to apologize to you for yesterday for being spiteful.  I was angry but should not have said what I did.  She apologized also and we are good buddies again.  IT WAS EASY.. usually I NEVER can say I'm sorry.  But I did.. (thinking of the A DAY AT A TIME past few days talking about anger) and it was easy.   who knew that this stuff really does work.   I'M LIVING PROOF.. a work in progress.. but living proof!!

It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end.  ~Ursula K. LeGuin

Li Li
on 2/19/09 11:05 am - Lebanon, IL
I have been trying to remember my best-self when dealing with my mother and grandmother. I get so frustrated, mostly because my mom is no longer the independent and confidant woman who raised me. Her short term memory is terrible so she doesn't recall conversations and stuff we ask her to do or not do. Like when I ask her to delete some stuff from the TiVo after she watches it so it won't delete stuff the rest of us have no****ched...this happened recently, I lost two shows I really wanted to see and I was upset. My being upset made her upset and I felt awful about it, I know she doesn't do it on purpose but I still get upset about it. I have learned to say I am sorry and sooth her feelings, even when I don't feel like apologizing.
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