Droping in to say hi :D

Becky B.
on 4/10/09 11:20 am - Petaluma, CA
Hey all just wanted to pop in and see whats been going on in OH world.  I have been a busy little girl ... losing 215lbs thus far really makes a difference in your personal life lol  Anyways Im gonna try to get some new pics up ... just dont seem to have enough time in my day to do it! but I will take camera out tonight and take pics.  I just had my 1yr anniv and lab work *sigh* ... unfortunately my vitamin d level is about non existant ... being 4 :x ... Im taking 50K ui's every other day now and hopefully that will bring it up ... other than that Im having no issues.  I do have 2 hernias that are bothersome ... a bit more so today than ever before.  They suck!  I went and saw my plastic surgeon and she said shes not touching me until December or so *sigh* again.  I guess my weight wont stabalize until about the 18 month or so.  Everything is hanging ... and I mean EVERYTHING! Im surprised I get naked in front of other people.  My body was better looking fat imo but whatever!  So anyone heard from Ann? hows little Nate doing? Rhonda I see you are still around *hugs* miss ya hun! how are things with you?  What about Sparkster and Deb?  Tony and his cancer? anyone .. anyone?  Okay well enough from me for now.  I just was wondering about you all.  Hugs and kisses and loves.


Proud Military Mom
on 4/11/09 11:06 am - Reno, NV
Hey Becky!!! TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes you need to get some new pics then... Spark and I are great... we are awaiting for the return of our Sailor from Iraq in May and our soldier leaves for Iraq in June... so I get a short mental reprieve....

Spark just got his new truck and spends more time in his garage than in the house LOL but we are great..

Take care!!


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