on 5/10/05 11:32 am - Maspeth, NY
I am scheduled for surgery on Tuesday, I am so scared. Never had surgery, dont know what to expect.
on 5/10/05 10:02 pm - Ellenwood, GA
Hi Geniene, My name is Kriss and I know what your going through sweetie i'm 12 days post-op from having the fobi pouch. I can give you an account of my experience and maybe that will help. I got to the hospital 2 hrs prior to surgery and registered in and they put me in like a holding room where i changed into my gown, took vitals and waited for them to come get me for surgery. During this time my hubby was with me which was alot of comfort. They came and got me and took me to another holding area outside of the surgery room and asked me questions, and made sure I was comfortable and then the anstheiologist gave me meds to relax me and thats all I remember . Next thing I knew I was waking up in recovery cold and dying of thirst! I had a tube going down my throat which was uncomfortable but didn't hurt, and a catheter. I was wheeled into my room and for the next 24 hrs all I could have was ice chips every 2 hours let me tell you I was on top of those 2 hours!!! lol At first you have a pump for your pain meds so you can dispense them yourself then you'll go to this thick liquid med which isn't very pleasant. The day after surgery I went to xray for a barium swallow this is where you drink alittle more nonpleasant tasting crap and they xray as you swallow to ensure that you have no leaks and all is working fine. Once you're cleared from this you'll go back to your room and then you can have liquids my first thing was apple juice and boy that was some good tasting stuff!!! You'll get broth,jello,juice, and water and at first you won't beable to take in hardly anything this is normal just sip slowly. Get up and walk as soon as possible and walk often this helps you to heal faster. Will you be sore? Yes. I was released from the hospital 2 days after surgery and so far i'm doing just fine. I still can't get in nearly the amount of fluids and protein that i'm needing but i'm working on it. This is my 3rd abdominal surgery and i'll tell you they are never pleasant, but you do heal from them and it does get better. Tomorrow is my first post-op appt with my surgeon and i'll find out how much weight i've lost i'm excited about that. Oh btw my incision is about 4 inches long and I have stamples but thats because of my previous surgeries my dr wanted my scar to match how sweet I know you're apprehensive and afraid and thats completely normal girl just take a deep a deep breath and think of the future. Think long and hard because IT IS a life changing decision you're giving up alot to do this make sure that your ready for that. I just had to think of it as like jumping out of an air plane taking the plunge knowing that if I could muster up the courage I would fly. I'm dreaming of food which i've never done and I hate watching tv because of the food commercials but I know in time that this will pass and soon i'll beable to eat more normally just alot less of it. Well I didn't intend for this to be a book, but I hope that i've given you some idea of what to expect. I wish you all the luck and sending prayers that your surgery will be as uneventful as my own. If you need to talk you can email me with questions, or just to vent ok. Best Wishes, Kriss
on 5/15/05 6:03 am - Macon, GA
Hi Kriss, I just stumbled across this message board. Guess I've been in the clouds and only knew about the state boards! I just wanted to give you a quick little (big) thank you. Even tho your post was directed to Geniene it gave me a breath of relief. My surgery is in 12 days! Big hugs to you, and you too Geniene. Best Wishes for you both, Barb
on 5/15/05 8:10 am - Maspeth, NY
Dear Kriss, THANK YOU SO MUCH, that helped. I am scared but describing to me step by step helps. I have a 15 year old daughter and she has been crying, she thinks something bad is going to happen to me so that is making me nervous. Thank you for replying and I will keep you posted. Geniene
on 5/15/05 8:39 am - Ellenwood, GA
Hi Geneine and Barb, You are most welcome for the insight into what you are about to embark on. I completely understand about the comprehension and fear going into this surgery. My hubby and I shared enough tears prior to surgery and some afterwards but so far i'm doing just fine. I was suppose to have my first post-op appt last thursday but had to reschedule for this week. So I still don't know how much i've lost this far i'm 16 days out now so hopefully it'll be a good number;) I've been blessed i've had no complications thus far no nausea, no . Still trying to get in my liquids amd protein though. Do expect to be sore and at first gassy I used the baby gas drops they helped tremendously and now gas isn't such a problem. Just remember where your headed and how much better you'll feel lighter. I wish you both the best and i'll send up a prayer that both of you will have an uneventful surgery like mine and that your recovery will be just as smoothe. God bless you both and if you need to talk you can email me with anything. Kriss
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