Im starving

on 8/13/05 10:20 am - somewhere, KY
Its my 2nd week and I am soo hungry I cry alot any suggestions?
on 8/13/05 11:16 pm - pepper pike, OH
Are you starving or are you thinking about food all the time? Think about it, you likely have spent so many years eating without really thinking about food. If you are like most of us, you probably have spent a good chunk of your life feeding your issues instead of dealing with them. If you are hungry then eat something. A tool that I learned is to ask myself on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being not hungry/5 being famished) how hungry am I? I have used this for almost 4 years and it has made an enormous difference. If you are hungry then make a good choice and eat! With regard to your crying, you have experienced major surgery which takes a toll on your body and your mind. Also, you stand at the beginning of an incredible journey to success which could be empowering, overwhelming, scary, exciting, etc. and all at the same time. Is there a WLS roup that meets weekly near you? If not, you might consider weigh****chers or something that brings people together to work toward the same goal of living a reasonable and healthy lifestyle. Just know that you have not gone have a void in your life without the old habit of eating anything and everything, in time you will fill the void with good stuff like exercise, focusing on who you are and most important ways to be successful forever!
on 8/14/05 3:15 am - somewhere, KY
Thanks for the good advice. I'm on the liqiud 10 days and no matter what I drink it doesn't satisfy me. I only have 2 days to go till I get a little real food. I can make it. thanks again & God bless
on 8/14/05 1:05 pm - pepper pike, OH
OOOPS! Forgot about the various phases of nutrition! Perhaps think of the liquid as a source of nutrition for now and know that you will not be are "eating" to live vs. living to eat. Hope that helps. You only have a few days longer...hang in there. Also, when you graduate to the next step of nutrition remember that your goal is not to feel full, but rather to add fuel to your body. Don't panic if you don't feel full. That is an old behavior! A key message: Just because some is good it does not mean that more is better! Good luck!!!
on 8/15/05 9:31 am - Bangor, PA
You will cry for awhile. I did......maybe a month or so. Be patient. You will get through it and it will be soooo worth it.
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