Straaaaange things are happening to me.....when i drink Milk

on 7/12/11 9:42 pm
Lap Band on 08/03/10 with
Never ever ever have I had issues with Milk, I'm 10 months post Op down 100 pounds!! but when ever i drink milk lately I'm having issues with it getting stuck and a cottage cheese like substance being regurgitated. Do I have too much stomach Acid? what is going on here..any one else ever had this?
Lisa O.
on 7/13/11 12:17 am - Snoqualmie, WA
Hmmm.  That's an interesting one.  How soon after eating does it come back up?  It does sound like the milk is curdling, but it would have to be in your stomach for a while.  I have issues with some dairy and often if fluids come back up in can bring up something else that's in your stomachh.  I would definately ask your surgeon or dietician, but if it only happens with milk then I guess you can just avoid milk.  I never drink milk anymore because of the liquid calories but I use skim milk in my coffee.  Another thing you might try if you really like drinking milk is to change over to Almond milk.  It's really very good and you can get sweetened or unsweetened vanilla.  I like the unsweetened vanilla and use it in my cereal, etc.

Lisa O

Lap Band surgery Nov. 2008, SW 335. Lost 116 lbs.  LB removal May 2013 gained 53 lbs. Revisied to RNY October 14, 2013, new SW 275.



Nic M
on 7/13/11 12:29 am
It sounds like your esophagus is "churning" the milk somewhat, causing it to regurgitate. I'd get checked, if I were you. The esophagus has to work especially hard when there is a band on the stomach and you don't want it to be dilated. Your esophagus could be "bunched up" like an accordian, causing the milk to get trapped, for lack of a better word.

You know how, when you have a cold, drinking milk produces more mucous? I think you might have inflammation in your esophagus or something and that is causing mucous buildup. If your esophagus is inflamed, it will have a harder time working, too.

Definitely get checked, if you can. Good luck.


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


on 7/13/11 1:40 am
Lap Band on 08/03/10 with
Well that makes sense. I am 2 days post recent fill so I could still be swollen. It's nottht everything comes up just a little and only in the am. When I drink it any other time of day I'm fine. I thought maybe it was acid related issues maybe. Thanks for the feedback!!!
Nic M
on 7/13/11 1:44 am

The recent fill probably caused it. I bet it will "even out" after the swelling goes down a bit.

A lot of people are extra swollen in the mornings from water retention, so that's probably it! 



 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


Kathy P.
on 7/13/11 1:33 am - Bagley, MN
Mine has been doing the same thing.  I dont drink it often but lately when I have tried it does the same thing then it causes to plug me up.  I am hoping to see dr today but she said an unfill and flour on Monday.  I cant just get off work tho so not sure i can make today's appt.  It's frustrating!
Good Luck!
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