Dr.'s Release for surgery

on 9/22/11 9:36 pm - Clearwater, FL
Well I went to see My GI and he looked at all the prior radiology reports from the last endoscopy and they were some issues -like a hole from an ulcer and my esophagus was raw from the acid.  I was on acid blockers etc for a while, so to go and make sure all is healed in there is not a bad idea after all.  Wed i go in to make sure. I hate the run around, but prevention of later issues is a better alternative, than getting banded and having problems from the onstart.
(deactivated member)
on 9/23/11 12:37 am - Mexico
On September 23, 2011 at 4:36 AM Pacific Time, Grider wrote:
Well I went to see My GI and he looked at all the prior radiology reports from the last endoscopy and they were some issues -like a hole from an ulcer and my esophagus was raw from the acid.  I was on acid blockers etc for a while, so to go and make sure all is healed in there is not a bad idea after all.  Wed i go in to make sure. I hate the run around, but prevention of later issues is a better alternative, than getting banded and having problems from the onstart.
Well, with that information known now you will likely need a repeat upper endo.
on 9/23/11 12:49 am - Clearwater, FL
Yes Im going this Wenesday- and the radiology review should be in time for my final weigh in.. Oct 4, 2011 so I think all will be well and on schedule.
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