Blood work...

on 11/14/11 5:13 am - FL
I had my surgery 8/17/2011 and had my first blood work done last week.  I just got the results today and EVERYTHING is within normal ranges!  The highlights are, cholesteral 157, triglicerides 71.  This is fantastic news for me!!!  Had to share!
Bubble S.
on 11/14/11 6:28 am
Happy News    It should only get better as more weight comes off.

It is so nice getting a smile from your  PCP instead of the tisk tisk look
 Remember, if you want to be a 155 pound person, you have to EAT like one. 
  View more of my photos at

on 11/14/11 11:28 am - MA
Congrats Keep it going!
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