New Year, New Attitude

Terri C.
on 12/28/11 12:35 am - McDonough, GA
Not only is it almost New Year's Day, but my husband will be turning The Big 5-0 next month.  So naturally we have been thinking a lot lately about the future, and how to make the best of it and enjoy what time we have left.

We've decided that our "theme" for this year will be "Just DO it."  We plan to do as many new things and go as many new places and have as many new experiences as we can.  No more living in a rut, doing the same things all the time.  No more saying "gee, I've always wanted to do that, but I just never got around to it." 

Of course we will be limited by time and money, but we're going to go for it in 2012.  We're going to start a bucket list, and start checking things off.  I can hardly wait!

What are you guys planning to do this year?  Anything amazing?


on 12/28/11 1:29 am
Well, in 2011 we hiked the Grand Canyon (down to Phantom Ranch and then back up) and that was a 'bucket list' moment for me.

I also competed in my third 1/2 marathon and bettered my time by 53 minutes.

2012 I plan to compete again and beat my current time.

I am also getting ready to have Abdominoplasty in early March, so I am doing alot of hiking and working out to get into the best shape I can prior to that.

In September, we are planning to take a 2 week vacation to Germany, Switzerland and Austria.  I want to be able to hike and walk and see the sites without worrying that I can't walk or breathe (like before my Band).

At 53 1/2 years old, I am in the best physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and financial shape of my life and I plan to take advantage of it!

Terri C.
on 12/28/11 1:41 am - McDonough, GA
Wow, those are all impressive feats!       May 2012 be even better! 


debbie H.
on 12/28/11 10:26 am - AR
Love it! So just do it!  My dh and I plan to do the same.
on 12/28/11 11:14 pm
Lap Band on 10/18/11 with
On December 28, 2011 at 6:26 PM Pacific Time, debbie H. wrote:
Love it! So just do it!  My dh and I plan to do the same.
you go for it
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