on 2/11/12 5:34 am - benton, AR

I've just found out that my insurance does not cover bariatric surgery at all. As in that CPT code (procedure code) does not exist in their system for them to even be able to give me benefits for it. I am 20 years old, i work 2 jobs, live on my own. I'm an insurance coordinator for a sleep lab, so i know how tough fighting with insurance companies. But how can you fight for something they dont even have in their system as a benefit option...... If anyone knows of anyone willing to help, or any financing options, please help.

on 2/11/12 9:11 am - Vancouver, WA
Sorry to say many are that way. I got my band under BCBS but our insurance was changed to UHC and our policy has a weight loss surgery exclusion. Since I had so much trouble with my band I finally had it emptied because I can't afford the $225 I'm charged for every fill or unfill! I know some folks use Care Medical credit and I'm sure there are others out there but you really have to be careful with them and the terms they give you. Otherwise you are pretty much stuck with self pay. It seems so stupid to me that any insurance would exclude it since it can only make you healthier but it all boils down to the dollars!
on 2/11/12 10:30 am - Athens, GA

If your employer or you choose an insurance policy that excludes WLS then your screwed. It's pay cash, or maybe try somewhere like Care Credit. :-(


on 2/11/12 10:32 am - Athens, GA

Or you can get WLS in Mexico. Much cheaper there. During this time though I would do some more research on the band. I wouldn't wish the band on my worst enemy.


on 2/12/12 11:04 am
 I love my band.
I am a self pay and I can say for me it was worth every penny.
My surgery was $10,000. And with my surgen I get free fills for a year.
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