
Jamie Z.
on 3/16/16 7:19 am - MI

has anyone been able to keep their weight off or keep losing after band removal without revision?

Nic M
on 3/16/16 10:16 am

I had my band removed in 2005, kept going to the gym religiously and kept the weight off until about 2010. I had a hysterectomy and quit smoking, had to take steroids for a few months due to some problems after the hysterectomy and *boom* weight came right back on. It is possible to keep the weight off, I'm sure, but I've never been good at it. I can lose, but I always regain. Statistically, that's the case for a lot of formerly banded people, unfortunately. It's so hard! 


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


on 3/16/16 5:27 pm - Vancouver, WA

For the most part no, there are a few who have kept weighing and measuring their food and working out but most end up gaining it back. Or there are also a few like me that end up with so much damage from the band that they end up not being able to eat very well after surgery and finally have to get feeding tubes. I don't have a feeding tube yet but if I keep losing uncontrolabely like I have been I may end up there too. Right now I have to eat all day long and get as many calories ads I can in. It may sound great but it gets old after awhile having to constantly eat. Every time I eat I get reflux again and not a med I've tried has stopped it. So my daily life is wasted by eating and being sick all day, fun time, NOT. 

So your best bet is to try to get another type of surgery if you can or be able to be super strict with yourself and eat very low carb/high protein/full fat. That is the best way to lose weight

on 4/1/16 8:27 pm

Yes I've had my band removed and I've regained. NO Revision :( The best way to lose is to reduce CARBS And Start the morning with Breakfast it really IS an important meal and of course get some exercise .. I KNOW!! EASIER SAID THAN DONE 







Jamie Z.
on 4/15/16 9:43 am - MI

My doc is using my original weight to convert to sleeve.  Just waiting on insurance approval.  They started the process yesterday.

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