Hope everyone had a Happy Easter!

on 4/26/11 3:19 am - MN
I had a great weekend...busy, but good.  And it was sooo nice to finally see the sun.  I did eat way too much and am paying for it, but was still a nice time overall.

Hope everyone else had a good Easter also.

Any talk on coffee again?  I am done with my classes and hopefully quitting the bar soon so will have more nights of the week to chose from to visit...now if the gas prices go down...not sure if I can remember how to ride my bike let alone make it to Fargo from here... 

Carolyn "Vii"

steve D.
on 4/26/11 4:22 am - West Fargo, ND
I am always up for coffee.  Now that the flood is subsiding and the weather is turning, we should think about a park meeting.   Bring the significant others, kids, dogs, etc.  Enjoy our new found waistlines.

OK Fargo(and surrounding areas)  let's get something on the books.  How about a Sunday Afternoon?  Say May 15th? 

Alternative is Looney coffee on a night with a full moon.

on 4/26/11 11:51 am - Fargo, ND
Might be workable. Not sure if the parks will be ready by May 15Th.

Steve, there is this thing called support group that you have been neglecting lately! Just sayin.

Maintaining! Start weight 257,Current weight 122,Loss of 135# and 114 inches,Size 22-24W now size 4 to 0 (zero),Healthy life=Priceless

steve D.
on 4/27/11 12:40 am - West Fargo, ND
I know, I know, but my evenings have been hectic.  Also, I enjoy our coffee meetings more.  I know that is bad, but I appreciate the chance to visit and share in our little setting.

Not that that is an excuse, but, well, It is what it is.

Sue C
on 4/27/11 5:22 am - Fargo, ND
Can you let me know when you guys are meeting up again?  I dont really do coffee but every once in awhile I like to have one.  I really havent met anyone from the area.


~ Sue ~


steve D.
on 4/27/11 6:12 am - West Fargo, ND
will do.  You can have Vodka, that is what Kelly has.  LOL.  I will PM you when we set it up.

Sue C
on 4/27/11 11:34 pm - Fargo, ND
How did you know vodka is my drink??  LOL

~ Sue ~


on 4/27/11 11:34 pm - West Fargo, ND
I work May 15th, but am available the week before or after on Sunday afternoon.
on 4/28/11 12:30 pm - Fargo, ND
HA HA Very funny man you are Steve!
Sue, you are most welcome to come join the crazy group. Some of them drink smoothies,hot chocolate,water and others have coffee. It is just for people to get together,exchange stories,find out new information and ideas and to just plain shoot the bull LOL
We will be posting when things are happening
Maintaining! Start weight 257,Current weight 122,Loss of 135# and 114 inches,Size 22-24W now size 4 to 0 (zero),Healthy life=Priceless

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