XPOST - What makes you think you won't regain the weight!

on 1/6/10 7:27 am - Ottawa, Canada
This is thread is from the VSG board but I thought it was a thought-provoking discussion that applies to any surgery type, it really makes you think about how you you are going to ensure success this time around. What is going to make this work versus other times in the past when you've regained? There is no magic to keeping the weight off even with surgery, failures happen, what can we do to help ensure long term success?

I know for me it is something always nagging at the back of my brain but that I almost don't want to look at too closely out of fear because I don't have the answer - but I think we all need to ask ourselves the question.

We all know the black and white textbook answers to success - follow the rules. Those rules however do not take into consideration the crap that life can throw at you, it can be very easy to fall back into old habits - holiday eating is a good example of that. I know I need to be thinking about this now and several of the posts on this thread make a couple of good points for staying on top of things - going to support groups, keep coming back to the forum for reinforcement, weighing yourself regularly. We will all slip, it's getting back on the horse that counts. I have great admiration for OHers that come back after being gone a while and seeking help to get back on track - it takes a lot of courage. I think shame can sometimes keep us from seeking help and most of us have lived with shame most of our lives.

www.obesityhelp.com/forums/vsg/4095193/What-makes-you-think- you-wont-regain-the-weight/
 Lost before consult 50  between consult & surgery 33  since surgery 88
    HW 335  ConsultW 285   SW 252   CW 164  GW 167   Left to lose 0 (-3 below goal)

Karen M.
on 1/6/10 7:33 am - Mississauga, Canada
Excellent post.  This has been on my mind recently - I think because I'm nearly 4 years out.  Truth be told, I don't think I won't regain - but I try so damned hard to follow the rules and pray that I don't.  I don't ever want to go back to what I once was, EVER.  This keeps me on track I think.



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 1/6/10 7:40 am - Cambridge, Canada
My Cambridge Crew!  Without those ladies I'd be screwed for sure.  Mandi especially.  If she ever ditches me - I'm going to have a hard time (just a little guilt here Mandi to keep you hanging around! ).

Proud Member of the Cambridge Crew!    
HW293/LW147/CW158   Height 5'9"  Working on Maintenance!
Fleur de lis TT and Brachioplasty - Oct. 19, 2010 Breast reduction and scar revision August 2, 2011
Karen M.
on 1/6/10 7:44 am - Mississauga, Canada
(ahem)  I would be happy to man up if Mandi dumps you.  Just sayin'.



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 1/6/10 7:55 am - Canada
I would never ditch you! You are stuck with me forever!

Proud Member of the Cambridge Crew!

on 1/6/10 8:03 am
Great reading and thank you for posting this.

Really none of us know that we will not re-gain....but I sure plan to do everything I can to stay focused..."each and every day".

I credit OH with keeping me focused - even if I dont post.....I read every day and that makes me think of what I am doing







Bonnie ABC
on 1/6/10 8:31 am - Smiths Falls, Canada
RNY on 09/16/08 with
I have acknowledged the fact that left to my own devices I was over 400 lbs.. and if I leave it again to myself, I'll be right back up there.   I set rules for myself, and I'm a very black and white person so it's easy to keep on track.


   I can do hard things, life is teaching me that I can.
             Lost 222lbs with rny, 20 lbs regain.
                        Plastics, July 2010 with Dr. Sauceda in Monterrey, Mexico
on 1/6/10 8:36 am - Canada
Thanks for asking the question, Lorraine...It's my biggest fear!
I think that daily monitoring my food, and my weight on scales helps, and of course this site.
When talking to my friend who has been fairly slender most of her life, she says that gaining 10 pounds isn't unusual for her, she DOES just say," oh to hell with it" every once in a while, and have what she wants to eat for a number of days or even weeks...But when she notices it's 10 pounds gained, she gets back on the horse...counts calories usually...And that has worked for her all of her life...
I think that if I adopt that method, esp. not having 100 pounds to lose, may work, but on the other hand, gaining 10 would be scary...mostly because, when I've lost weight by low-carbing it, in the past, and then had carbs again, it was like I could not stop!  Like I was so deprived for so long, or something.  I don't think I'd better gain the 10 pounds and always monitor carbs...I do love them, and stick to veg and fruit and cereal...Haven't and may not go back to my demon bread...I do allow myself pb on melba or rice cake, but that's it.
I really think the scale will be my friend and constant companion for the first time in my life...Constant monitoring and vigilance, instead of constant craving...m

HW 268  SW 261  CW 166GW 170 
View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com    

on 1/6/10 8:40 am - Ontario , Canada


From this side of the bench, this thought terrrifies me!! 

I'm exhausted just by the research I've been doing!!  When I think of the road ahead, referrals, testing, (praying for) approval, waiting, surgery, post op....etc etc.. I feel totally overwhelmed, and THEN, I am terrified that after ALL of that, I can still gain it all back if I'm not careful! 

 I've just ALWAYS eaten huge portions,  I was a super skinny kid with a crazy metabolism, I've never known small portions...maybe that's all it is...and the pouch will 'teach' me  portion control, and honestly, I believe if I felt satisfied with a little, I'd be ok...but I'm so used to huge portions, I can't seem to stop! 

I'm scared, but also inspired by all of your long time benchwarmers, so I know it's possible, and I think the losses will motivate me...I've always been great with starting diets, and 'lifestyle' changes, but when there are no results, it's hard to keep up...maybe this way, I'd be more apt to stay motivated! 


Donna C.
on 1/6/10 8:44 am, edited 1/6/10 8:45 am - Durham Region, Canada
I think it is important to realize that we all have the propensity to re-gain.  It's our actions that will prevent this.  I was fat because I had an eating disorder - and I am well aware that I could slip back into that lifestyle in a heartbeat.  But I have faith in myself that I will not let myself get to that point without reaching out for help and support.  If we are honest with ourselves when we are eating improperly, not exercising etc... it is allot easier to get back on track.

I have invested in a personal trainer - who I go to at least 3 times a week.  It costs $50 an hr - but it's the best money I have ever spent.  She is helping me get my body in shape and also helping me stay on track (she checks out my food logs) and also is very supportive as an outlet for discussing stress and stress management.  Exercising  has also helped me tremendously in terms of my emotional stability - which has always been a trigger for my binge eating in the past.

I also come here everyday - several times a day and get and give support.  I also want to start back to our Durham meetings - which I  have been away from for some time.  Unfortunately, with my work schedule it was harder to get over to Whitby on the Tuesday evenings.

One thing that I think is absolutely critical - as it has helped me through 2 serious illnesses - and that is a positive outlook.  If you think you're gonna fail - you will.  If you think you're going to succeed - you will!!  This is one of the reasons I get so pissed off when I see people who have not had an RNY predicting the failure of those who have.  I think that it weakens an individuals resolve - and beats down their positive perspective.  It always astounds me when someone who is fighting the same obesity battle would do such a nasty thing - but I guess you can't control what others do or say. 

Ultimately though, if I do re-gain it will not be the fault of my WLS tool - it will be because I couldn't put the fork down.

   HW/SW/CW/Orig GW/New GW   328/311/161/153/142   LOVE my RNY!!!!      

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