"Cawfee" Meets & Thanks!

on 5/26/11 8:56 pm
RNY on 01/11/12
I just wanna say THANKS!!! to all of the great "hosts" and friends I've met and made over the past few months who "host" "cawfee" meets!  I've been to a few ... one in Niagara Falls (an actuall support meeting), Burlington with Yasmeen, Hamilton with Myke and an awesome meet in Mississauga with Karen M.  Met some awesome people and each time I go I meet new friends and see the wonders of these operations - people. who have dramatically lost weight!! Marny, Gaby and wonderful Wendy and many more who sad to say I didn't "catch" their names or old timers has set in and I forget.  Even had a clothes swap last night in the parking lot  (altho I didn't have anything to swap as I haven't started my weight loss yet)  These meets are so valuable to me anyways - I always leave with knowing something new and if I learn just one new thing each time I go - that's a bonus!. Just want to say thanks to those who take the time to arrange these meets and to those who come out!!!  That's all I wanna say.... to all have a great weekend!!!!
Karen M.
on 5/26/11 10:24 pm - Mississauga, Canada
It was great to see you out last night Deb - thanks for coming :)



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