Today I start the Optifast

on 8/13/11 4:53 am
Hi everyone, I'm new here. It's 9:30am and today I start my Optifast. My surgery date is Aug 29th at St Joe's here in Hamilton. Anyone have any ideas on how I am going to deal with this drastic change in my diet, which starts now.

I am going up to prepare my first one now.

Derek C.
on 8/13/11 5:24 am - North Bay , Canada
 Welcome to the club im day 13 of 21 keep changing flavours and use lots of ice   i chew lots of sugar free gum too seems to help withe cravings  good luck it gets better as time goes on 








Surgery Date - AUGUST 22, 2011 - Ran first 5KM Race - Oct 14, 2012 (28 min)  - Currently maintaining a healthy 190 lbs and training for my first half marathon in the summer of 2013








on 8/13/11 6:19 am
Soooo, how was it?   Did you have the chocolate or vanilla flavour?  Did you add anything to it?  Did you add more water than recommended on the package?

on 8/13/11 6:36 am
RNY on 01/11/12
come to the coffee meet and they'll all help you thru this step of your journey!!
on 8/13/11 8:03 am
Congrats on starting your Opti.  There is lots of idea's on the Recipe group you might want to check that out.
I dealt  with  this change moment by moment and then day by day. There might be some ups and downs ( I got really moody in the first week ) Had a good cry once. Now it is old hat and I find it VERY easy. I like it very cold and don't have to add anything to it.  I recommend  going to a coffee chatt or group meetings soooo many ppl there can be of help. Even if you just sit and listen :) 

So how did you like it?
Keep us posted on how things are going.

Good Luck,


on 8/13/11 8:37 am
raspberry crystal light in the chocolate is soooo yummy!
I actually have a friend who didnt' use as much water for the optifast and made it like a pudding....said it made him feel like he was eating!  :)


now onto living!
on 8/14/11 3:02 am - Athens, Canada
Welcome to the Ontario forum. Good luck with the Optifast stage. I hope you are one of the lucky ones that don't mind the flavour.  All the best.
on 8/14/11 6:36 am
Thanks for all the supportive comments. I am mostly through day 2. It was difficult to get the shake down this morning but I had to do it. To quote Krusty the Clow, "I don't mind the taste."
on 8/14/11 6:39 am
I forgot to add, chicken broth with ketchup and hot sauce tastes like chicken wings!
on 8/19/11 11:27 am
It's now August 19th, I have perservered. It has been hard but I am was down 9 pounds this morning.
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