Waiting Time @ Guelph General

on 8/19/11 1:53 pm
I have my orientation scheduled in Guelph late January, 2012.  My referral from my family doctor went in February, 2011.  This is a one year wait from referral to orientation....yikes.  Sleep study done; feedback session, September 2011 (this was a 6 month wait) and I have a few other tests scheduled in between.  Does anyone have an update about improvements (in terms of wait time) at Guelph General e.g., additional staff, additional doctors, etc.?
(deactivated member)
on 8/19/11 2:37 pm - Guelph, Canada
 my timeline so far in in my signature line.. 
laura S.
on 8/19/11 9:44 pm - London, Canada
I was just under a year from orientation to surgery.

All the best,


Diminishing Dawn
on 8/19/11 10:00 pm - Windsor, Canada
One of the nurses called me to let me know she had received hubby's file. They ate backed up and it is expected to get a little slower now as surgeons are starting to take vacations n they were backed up something like 20 Guelph patients and 45 Windsor patients. Hubby also received a letter this week stating about the delay as well. We are waiting to see a surgeon and she said don't expect that til maybe even December. We are not worried though band whatever the wait I s worth it and better than the 10 plus year weight in Nova scotia!


17+ years post op RNY. first year blog here or My LongTimer blog. Tummy Tuck Dr. Matic 2014 -Ohip funded panni Windsor WLS support group.message me anytime!
HW:290 LW:139 RW: 167 CW: 139

on 8/19/11 10:48 pm - Harriston, Canada
Yeah after reading about that woman in Novia Scotia being told its a 10 yr wait suddenly ours seems speedy.  LOL  Never thought I would say that.
My wait in Guelph is a year, did Orientation Sept 2010 and surgery Sept 1 2011
on 8/20/11 2:04 am - Meaford, Canada
RNY on 09/04/12

My wait from referral to orientation was around a year - (not exactly sure when my Dr. got it in as we had faxing Dr.Reed vs central registry issues - my GP went "old school").  I had orientation in June 2011 and my first meeting is in October 2011.  At orientation they told me I was looking at minimum of a year.  I got my hands on their info. package in May and went ahead with their checklist for "getting to surgery sooner" so by my June orientation I had completed the blood tests, sleep study, ultrasound, barium etc.   Then they told me at the clinic the wait was a year - problem?  Well, the tests are good for a year.  Some may have to be repeated?!  I think they should update their website with a section on wait times.... Hmmm .... did I make that suggestion?  I should!  Good luck!

