HRRH help pls

on 8/15/12 5:12 am
I need some clarification, I am currently going through this process at Windsor and have met with the NP, DIT, SW and DR. I have the all clear for surgery. Being I have family in the area at HRRH my file is being moved down there. My question is, at Windsor after all these apts you go to a surgical ed class. They were not sure yesterday if I should attend this at Humber or do it in Windsor, so this AM I called Humber and the girl who answers the phone told me that they don’t have a surgical ed class? Is this correct??
Does humber have a step in there that I am missing before meeting the surgeon? Can anyone shed some light on this and if so who I need to speak to for clarification at Humber? Thanks

Referral-April 20th  Orientation- June 12th Windsor
NP- July 23, Nut Class Aug 7th SW Aug 9th DR Aug 14th
2nd NUT & SW Sept 27th
Surgery Nov 6th Dr. Hagen HRRH

Monica M.
on 8/15/12 5:18 am - Penetanguishene, Canada
i did not attend a surgical ed class at HRRH, but i had my surgery about 18 months ago, they may be doing things differently now. Hopefully someone who has completed the process more recently can help you more with this.
(deactivated member)
on 8/14/12 10:21 pm, edited 8/14/12 10:21 pm - Peterborough, Canada
RNY on 10/19/12
Not sure what  Windsor covered in a surgical ed class, but having said that I can tell you this:

HRRH used to have two seperate classes. Orientation and one that talks about After surgery. In that last couple of months they have combined it into one orientation, that lasts about 3 hours. I think the second part of of the orientation is what you need or at least a copy of the handout they give which covers all of the what you eat and what you have to do to prepare for surgery. Barring that maybe you could go to the Windsors pre-surgery class except there guidelines could be a little different. Not sure if that helps.
on 8/15/12 5:31 am
Thanks for the help, Windsor does do the orientation which is 3hrs and a nutrition class which is 2 hrs. I am just missing the detailed food info that is related to hrrh as every centre is different.
I will let Windsor no and see if I can just get the guidlines that I need to follow. Or how to proceed


Referral-April 20th  Orientation- June 12th Windsor
NP- July 23, Nut Class Aug 7th SW Aug 9th DR Aug 14th
2nd NUT & SW Sept 27th
Surgery Nov 6th Dr. Hagen HRRH

on 8/15/12 7:36 pm - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 08/20/12
I went to the orientation and a nutrition class they were both separate they have since rolled it into one.  Then I met the surgeon and the nut class had to be attended first before I could see the nut nurse and dietitian.  Met with the surgeon again and signed the consent forms and had my pre-op same day and surgery is on Monday.  One month after I have another food class and see the surgeon again ...hope this helps     

20AUG12-8AM SURGERY AT ST.JOES IN TORONTO  W/ DR SMITH                        

on 8/15/12 6:55 pm - Richmond Hill, Canada
RNY on 06/22/12
I would get in the HRRH system as soon as possible, even if it means re-doing a class, as they move much faster than Windsor.


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt    

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