on 11/7/12 6:19 am

I am three and a half weeks out...had the sleeve.  The first week after surgery and now yesterday and today I have been absolutely freezing between the hours of 3 - 8 pm  Right now I am sitting in the fireplace room, with a down filled vest, sweater, t-shirt, yoga pants and slippers on.  I am never cold when I head to bed around 9 or 10.  Just in case I have the heating pad ready to go if need be.  What's going on...people just tell me for some of us it is the "bariatric freeze".  Maybe in ketosis?   I am dreading the winter this year!  Down filled jacket is hanging up ready for use! Suggestions?  Peppermint tea warms my least.


on 11/7/12 6:26 am - Canada
RNY on 10/11/12

I'm cold all the time since surgery (4 weeks tomorrow). I wear slippers all the time...before it would be bare feet.  I usually have a sweater or robe on. When I'm outside I have to have a sweater and coat minimum. I always wear mittens. I add two or three extra blankets on my side of the bed.  Before the blankets would be tossed some time in the middle of the night.  I make tea just to warm my hands too!


on 11/7/12 6:39 am - Canada

Yup I hear ya. Last winter I wore a leather vest over my shirt when outside. Now I'm chilly in a hot shower. Someone told me it's supposed to get better so I'm waiting on that with baited breath. 

Long you live and high you fly 
And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry 
And all you touch and all you see 
Is all your life will ever be.


on 11/7/12 6:47 am - Scarborough, Canada
RNY on 02/05/13

Holy Heck!   I'm NEVER cold!  To the point I get in arguments with the skinny people at work about how darn HOT it is in here!  Maybe it is me???  And maybe it will change!!!


“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...” 
 Dr. Seuss

Orientation: March 2012      Blah Blah Blah     Surgery:  February 5, 2013



on 11/7/12 6:56 am - Ottawa, Canada

Better get used to it....You should find some comfort by July. blush




In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.

Surgery July 22, 2011  Starting weight 270  128 lbs lost  Today's weight 142 lbs                 Ann       



Laura H.
on 11/7/12 7:25 am - Canada

I am freezing most of the time too.  Was always hot and barefoot before.  Now it is socks and slippers and a blanket.  I even drink my water warm trying to get warm.  I don't know if it is all of the water I am drinking or the weight lost.

Laura H.

Shar eD
on 11/7/12 7:55 am

Yes, I'm complaining of being coldfrown - ah well!  Seriously though, I do feel the difference, it's all good.

(deactivated member)
on 11/7/12 9:57 am - Straford, Canada

when we checked into a hotel room the frst thing I used to do was turn the AC on, in winter.  My spouse is very amused now that I am cold all the time (she's been dubbed the layer queen for years)!  I don't like this cold thing!  I was used to being hot, can't say I liked it but I was used to it. Brrr, just posting this has made me feel colder!  indecision

on 11/7/12 10:04 am

I am 2 weeks post op and had the sleeve as well, I can not get warmed up these days! Right now the fireplace is on

and I am snuggled up with a warm fleecy blanket on me!  What feels really good is going to bed at night with a blanket that I heated up in the dryer for about 20 min.  As long as I am warm l sleep great, but when I get cool I am awake and can't get back to sleep! 

OOooooh yes, I enjoy my peppermint tea too, and at bedtime my sleepy time tea :-)

on 11/7/12 2:27 pm

Your body has lost some of it's "fatty insulation" and will take some time to adjust.  I used to shovel snow without a jacket now we are still in fall and I'm always freezing.  I have befriended a ho****er bottle at the end of the bed for my feet which are in socks at night.  Dress in layers, put on a blanket when sitting around, buy long underwear and enjoy a hot cup of tea.  As you lose more you will become more active outside and do things you haven't been able to do for years and not think about the cold.  It's all worth it, so bundle up.

Nov 29/10   Referred to St Josephs Hamilton
Dec 6/10    Orientation
Mar 9/11     Nurse, Dietician & Social Worker
Mar 31/11   Internest
May 26/11  Surgeon & pre-surgery class
JULY 11/11  VSG, hernia repair by  Dr Mehran Anvari