NSV today with a pic and a rant

on 12/19/12 12:21 am - toronto, Canada

I had to share my excitement at wearing the pointiest high heeled boots today at work.  They finally fit again (i had them in my closet for a while) and I am comfortable wearing them and they are sexy....  woot woot.  This is one of the perks that are pure nirvana and will keep me away from chocolate today.  which leads me to my rant...

Why, oh why do people buy me the biggest boxes of chocolate that they can find as a Christmas gift??  They know I have had surgery and cannot eat it.  I mean, should not as I can actually CAN eat it and do not dump.  How did I figure this out?  by eating a few of the quality street chocolates that someone else bought us.  I am thinking of Ian's post today and it is hard to not eat something once you know you can.  You just have to have the mindset that you CAN NOT and don't even go there.  It is easier when you don't buy this stuff but it kills me when others buy it for me as a gift.  STOP IT!!!

 Buy me a candle, buy me a scarf, pen, or anything other than chocolate!!  please for the love of god.  I have two big chocolate gifts sitting on my desk that will be regifted this year - to someone who had NOT had gastric bypass surgery.    geez louise....  rant over :)

Oh, here are the boots.  Sorry if the pic is sideways.



Referral: Aug 3, 2010       Info Session: Dec 12, 2011   
Nurse Appt: Jan 30, 2012    Diet/Nut Appt: Feb 8, 2012
Surgery Class: Jan 24, 2012
Meet Surgeon: Feb 8,2012    Start Optifast: April 24, 2012
Surgery Date: May 8, 2012
Joyce J.
on 12/19/12 12:25 am - Scarborough, Canada

Hi Steph

Great NSV, how exciting for you

As for the chocolates............ good for you saying no, but yes people do that all the time.... hmmm sabotage??? hmmm, I think they just don't think :)

Have a great day, enjoy the boots

Joyce----Today is the first day of the rest of your life


Monica M.
on 12/19/12 12:40 am - Penetanguishene, Canada

cyooot boooooots!!!

on 12/19/12 12:57 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Awesome boots. Yesterday as part of a gift I was given wine gums. There was a large table of cookies and square. I open the candy and left it. I know the person was trying to be cute. Wine toppers, wine bag and wine gums but everyone knows I do not eat sugar!





on 12/19/12 2:06 am

Woot woot for sure for those boots....very sexy lady!

As for chocolate, I really don't mean to be negative or a pooper, I say with a sweet voice...lol...but a lot of people complain about that and I always think that people have to stop making gift receiving about themselves, people are getting you gifts because they think of you.  We made the choice to change our lifestyle, you can't expect for everyone to realize what that means.  "Normal" people don't understand that part of "our" life.  So its not a personal thing, I think its very thoughtful, just regift, that's all!


    ~Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you really wanted!~    

on 12/19/12 2:18 am - Richmond Hill, Canada
RNY on 06/22/12

The chocolates scream "re-gift"  pass them on to someone else.

Awesome boots!


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt    

(deactivated member)
on 12/19/12 2:38 am - Straford, Canada

Our local women's shelter and long term care facility (mostly older folks in between home and senior's hospital type care) end up with all candy's and chocolates that we get given.  Love the boots, my daughter would be drooling I'm pretty sure!  

on 12/19/12 3:23 am

Nice boots.

In a random act of kindness give away the chocolates. Will make you feel like a million bucks.

on 12/19/12 4:20 am - Canada
RNY on 06/29/12

I think candy is just one of those easy Christmas add-ons you know? It's everywhere this time of year ;p Yeah I'd re-gift it too, or maybe drop it off at a food bank or something?

RNY Date - June 29th 2012

Gall Bladder out Jan 17 2013

on 12/19/12 4:57 am - toronto, Canada

I would like to add that I totally appreciate the gesture, don't get me wrong.  I am thankful that they were thinking of me and my family and made that effort to give a gift.  I am definately passing them along to others who may also appreciate them more - I need two hostess gifts for visiting over the holidays so that and a bottle of wine will get the job done.  My frustration stems from the fact that I want to eat them and find it so much easier when I don't have this stuff around.  I realized that I am also at that TOM where I am craving chocolate.  argh.. 

Anyways, I will just keep checking out my boots and think that I wouldn't be wearing them if I didn't give this crap up.  As Ian said, it is not depravation, it is liberation. 

I have a printout on my wall at work that says 'nothing tastes as good as thin feels' and it is true. 



Referral: Aug 3, 2010       Info Session: Dec 12, 2011   
Nurse Appt: Jan 30, 2012    Diet/Nut Appt: Feb 8, 2012
Surgery Class: Jan 24, 2012
Meet Surgeon: Feb 8,2012    Start Optifast: April 24, 2012
Surgery Date: May 8, 2012